UW Physics Lecture Demos
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1 - Mechanics
Measurement | Motion In One Dimension | Motion In Two Dimensions | Relative Motion | Newton's First Law | Newton's Second Law | Newton's Third Law | Statics Of Rigid Bodies | Applications Of Newton's Laws | Gravity | Work And Energy | Linear Momentum And Collisions | Rotational Dynamics |
1A - Measurement1A10 - Basic Units | Basic SI Units (1A10.10) A kilogram, a meterstick, and a stopwatch calibrated in seconds to demonstrate SI units of mass, length, and time. |
| Standards of Mass (1A10.20) 1 pound, 1 kilogram, and 1 slug |
| Mass and Weight Two weight sets calibrated in grams and Newtons; and a spring scale, pan balance, and digital scale. |
| Standards of Length (1A10.30) A meter vs. a yard. |
| Various Clocks (1A10.40) A stopwatch, hour glass, pendulum, and a metronome. |
| Dubious Clocks Two large "clocks" without numbers mounted on the same vertical board. The clocks coincide at zero on each revolution, but differ in their readings elsewhere around the circle. The difference is subtle enough to encourage doubt as to which is "correct." Shows that timing devices can be useful for some measurements but worthless for others. |
| One Liter Cube (1A10.50) A cube 10 centimeters on a side, disassembles into deciliter, centiliter, and milliliter subsections. |
1A20 - Error and Accuracy | Gaussian Distribution (1A20.10) Hundreds of tiny balls strike an array of pins, bouncing between them and eventually landing in one of a number of slots below. The center slot will contain the greatest number of balls, and the number of balls in the outer slots will approximately follow a Gaussian distribution. Use the document camera for class viewing. |
| Dice (1A20.15) A collection of dice for probability and statistics discussions. |
1A30 - Coordinate Systems | Chalkboard Globe (1A30.40) A large globe surfaced with a black material that can be written on with chalk. Can be used to draw and discuss polar coordinates. |
| Acrylic Globe Clear plastic globe has lines of latitude and longitude drawn on it for discussion of polar coordinate systems. |
1A40 - Vectors | Vector in Coordinate Frame (1A40.10) A three dimensional stick-and-ball coordinate frame has a vector arrow emerging from the origin that can be adjusted to any angle within the frame. |
| Vector Components (1A40.13) A transparent grid with colored transparent arrows pivoting at the origin is used with the document camera to demonstrate the change in vector components with changes in vector angle or magnitude. Both angles with respect to the x-axis and the corresponding x,y position of the vector tip may be read directly from the grid. Different length vectors are available. |
| Folding Ruler (1A40.20) A folding carpenter's ruler. |
| Sum Vector (1A40.31) A pair of acrylic vector arrows make up two sides of a parallelogram, with a tape measure "vector" extending diagonally across the parallelogram to represent the sum of the vectors. Change the angle between the vectors and the length of the sum vector changes in accordance with the parallelogram rule. |
1A50 - Math Topics | Radian Disc (1A50.10) A large disc marked off in radians, with a flexible strip of length r to show the derivation of the unit. |
1A60 - Scaling | "Powers of Ten" (1977) (1A60.10) A ten minute video which uses the notion of powers of ten to compare the relative sizes of objects in the universe, from clusters of galaxies to individual protons. |
| Scaling Cubes (1A60.40) Twenty seven small wood cubes are stacked together to form a larger cube. The outside surface area of the large composite cube has been painted black, but the other faces of the small cubes are unpainted. Pull the composite cube apart to show the increased surface area of the component cubes vs the composite cube. |
1C - Motion In One Dimension1C10 - Velocity | Air Track - Constant Velocity Glider (1C10.25) A glider moves on a frictionless air track at constant velocity (except for the bounce at the end). |
1C20 - Uniform Acceleration | Guinea and Feather (1C20.10) Two transparent tubes contain paper and an aluminum disc. Free fall times for the discs are compared when the tubes are at atmospheric pressure and when they are evacuated. |
| Different Mass Balls in Free Fall (Galileo's Experiment) (1C20.15) Drop wood and metal balls of similar diameter but different mass side-by-side and they will strike the ground at almost the same time. Repeat with a ping pong ball to show the effect of air resistance. |
| Air Track - Inclined for Constant Acceleration (1C20.30) A glider is accelerated on the air track which is raised on one end to various heights. If two (or more) gliders are released with one slightly behind the other they will accelerate at the same rate regardless of mass and will maintain their relative positions. |
| Rolling Ball on Incline with Flashing Lights (1C20.41) A large metal ball rolls down an inclined track with lights and marks at spacings of 0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, and 36 units (1 unit = 8cm). The lights flash simultaneously once per second. Due to the increasing velocity of the ball it will travel farther and farther between flashes and will be directly above a light at each flash. A set of magnetic strips may be pulled off the track and moved to a large magnetic graph board to make graphs of position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time for the ball. |
1C30 - Measuring g | Timed Free Fall (1C30.10) An electromagnet drops a ball from heights of 1 and 2 meters. A clock starts upon release and stops when the ball strikes a cup at the bottom. |
| Water Drops in Freefall (1C30.41) A beaker with a dropper spout releases single drops which fall about two meters into a bucket. Drop rate is adjusted until a new drop is just beginning to fall as the last one strikes the bucket - the time between drops is then equal to the time of fall. By timing ten drops and dividing the total time by ten an accurate measurement of the time of fall can be obtained, and the value of g can be derived. |
| Reaction Time (1C30.55) Hold a meter stick between a student's fingers and drop the meter stick. The reaction time of the student is found from the distance which the meter stick falls before the student can catch it. |
1D - Motion In Two Dimensions1D10 - Displacement in Two Dimensions | Cycloid Generator (1D10.20) A large cylinder with lights at different distances from the center rolls along the lecture desk. With the room lights off, the path of each light is seen to be a cycloid. |
1D15 - Velocity, Position, and Acceleration
1D40 - Motion of the Center of Mass | Air Table - Center of Mass (1D40.22) A rectangular acrylic plate has three fluorescent dots. One is in the center, and two are off to either side. Spin the plate across the air table and the center dot will move in a straight line while the other dots circle around it. Add a weight to either end and the center of mass moves to the dot closest to the weight, so the plate will now spin around that dot as it floats across the table. |
| Air Track - Pendulum Glider (1D40.50) A pendulum with a heavy bob is mounted atop an air track glider so that the center of mass of the glider/pendulum system is located partway along the pendulum arm; that spot is marked with a fluorescent disc. When the glider/pendulum is set oscillating on the track, both the glider and pendulum bob swing back and forth, but the center of mass as marked by the disc stays still (or moves smoothly down the track if the glider is given a push). Since the eye is easily confused by the motion of the glider, the room lights are turned off and the motion of the fluorescent disc is viewed under UV. |
| Air Track - Inchworm (1D40.55) Two gliders fastened together with a long strip of spring steel are set on the air track. Give one glider a push and it will move until it reaches the end of the steel strip, when it will exert a force on the second glider and set it into motion. The reaction force exerted by the second glider will bring the first to a halt. Then the second glider strikes the first and the cycle begins again; the two gliders "inchworm" down the track. |
1D50 - Central Forces | Ball on a String (1D50.10) A ball on string is swung around to show the basics of circular motion. Run the string through a handheld tube, start the ball spinning with all the string out, and then pull the string through the tube to decrease the radius of the ball's rotation. The ball will gain angular velocity to conserve angular momentum. |
| Rotor (Carnival Ride Model) (1D50.30) A horizontal disc rotating at about 2 rev/s has a small section of a vertical wall at the edge. At sufficient speed, the centripetal force will keep a small object pressed against the wall without falling down. |
| Bucket of Water (1D50.40) A bucket containing a few inches of water is swung in a vertical circle without spilling the water. Critical rotational frequency can be approached from the high end if you don't mind taking a chance. For a drier version, try the same effect with the Ball on String, above. |
| Greek Waiter’s Tray A small circular plastic plate hangs from three strings tied symmetrically to its edge. The three strings are tied together at the top so that the plate hangs horizontally beneath them. A small glass of water is placed at the center of the plate. The plate can now be swung around in any direction, and the surface of the water in the glass will always stay parallel to the plate. The plate can also be swung overhead without spilling a drop. |
| Bicycle Wheel with Arrows A bicycle wheel with cardboard velocity and acceleration vectors for one point on the perimeter. |
| Arrow Disc A wooden disc with an arrow showing one direction of rotation and an arrow along the axis showing the direction of the angular momentum vector for that spin direction. |
| Bead on a Rotating Hoop (1D50.57) A variation of the bead sliding on a hoop that rotates about its vertical
axis. A ball bearing rolls inside a grooved hoop that is spun by a variable speed motor. The motor axis can also be tipped. |
| Rolling Chain (1D50.70) A loop of brass chain fits snugly on a spinning wooden disk driven by a high-speed motor. The chain is cautiously forced off the disk with a wooden stick and maintains its circular shape as it rolls across the lecture table; it will bounce off an obstacle as though it were a rigid hoop. |
1D52 - Deformation by Central Forces
| Water Paraboloid of Revolution (1D52.20) A vertical clear cylinder contains colored water; upon rotation the surface of the water forms a paraboloid. |
| Water and Mercury Centrifuge (1D52.35) A glass globe containing colored water and mercury is spun by a motor. The mercury forms an equatorial band around the globe with the colored water above and below it. |
1D55 - Centrifugal Escape | Circular Track with Gap (1D55.10) A ball bearing is rolled around the inside of a circular track. Students predict which path the ball will take when it reaches the opening. Uses the document camera. |
| Rotating Disk with Erasers (1D55.30) A horizontal rotating disc with a smooth surface. Chalk board erasers with various surfaces are placed on the disc, which is rotated slowly until the erasers slide off; how long this takes depends on rotation speed, distance from the center, and eraser surface. A weight attached to the rotation axis by a rubber band shows qualitatively how the centripetal force increases with rotation speed. |
1D60 - Projectile Motion | Vertical Gun on Car (1D60.10) A vertical spring cannon is mounted to a cart running on a horizontal track. The cannon shoots a small ball vertically while the cart rolls horizontally. Since the cart travels at (nearly) constant velocity, the ball goes up and falls back into the cannon's top, staying directly above the cannon while in the air. Note: The Pasco apparatus can drift after firing. Be sure to check the aiming screws before repeating. |
| Vertical Gun on Accelerated Car (1D60.16) Same as above (1D60.10), but the car is accelerated either by tipping the track or using a mass on a string. |
| Drop and Shoot (1D60.20) A spring shoots one pool ball horizontally while simultaneously dropping another ball vertically. Both balls strike the floor simultaneously. Have a student volunteer catch the projected ball after the first bounce, while you catch the dropped ball. |
| Monkey and Hunter (1D60.32) A spring powered "gun" points at a "monkey" (a plastic bottle filled with metal shot) hanging from an electromagnet. A plastic slug is shot out of the pipe, displacing a strip of aluminum foil and opening the electromagnet circuit. Thus the monkey begins to fall the instant the "bullet" leaves the tube. Since the monkey and the bullet are in free fall, the bullet will strike the monkey regardless of the curvature of its path. |
| Range Gun (1D60.40) A spring launcher shoots a wood ball at various angles and the distance traveled is marked. A large digital stopclock can be used to show times. |
| Air Table - Parabola (1D60.55) The air table is tilted to produce a small gravitational acceleration and pucks skimmed across the table follow a parabolic path. A video camera shows the view from above. |
1E - Relative Motion1E10 - Moving Reference Frames | Bulldozer on Plastic Sheet (1D or 2D) (1E10.10) One battery powered vehicle runs at a constant speed across the lecture table while a second runs across on a large sheet of plastic. Push or pull on the plastic sheet to show how velocities add or subtract. This can be done in one dimension or two; or used for frames of reference discussions. |
| "Frames of Reference" (1960) (1E10.20) An excellent film (black & white, 1960, approx 28 minutes) showing the apparent motion of objects with respect to various inertial and non-inertial frames of reference. Available on laserdisk or as an MPEG file from https://www.archive.org/details/frames_of_reference. |
1E20 - Rotating Reference Frames | Foucault Pendulum (1E20.10) The Foucault Pendulum in the A-wing appears to rotate about 11 degrees in one hour, but the Earth is actually rotating underneath. An explanatory plaque is mounted on the wall nearby. |
| Foucault Pendulum Model (1E20.20) A small model of Foucalt pendulum sits on a rotating plastic disc representing the Earth. Rotate the disc while the pendulum is swinging, and the plane of the pendulum stays constant. |
1F - Newton's First Law1F10 - Measuring Inertia | Inertia Balance (1F10.11) A platform is supported by two strips of spring steel, leaving it free to oscillate horizontally. Two blocks of similar appearance but different mass are placed on the platform; the lighter block oscillates at a higher frequency than the heavier block. |
1F20 - Inertia of Rest | Inertia Block (Inertia Ball) (1F20.10) A heavy block is suspended between two loops of string. A slow and steady pull on the bottom loop will break the upper string, while a quick jerk will break only the lower string (due to the high inertia of the mass). |
| Table Setting (1F20.30) Plates and glasses on a paper table cloth. With one swift pull, the paper is removed from under the tableware with no breakage. Easy to do, but practice first. |
| Pipe on Paper (1F20.33) A large brass pipe rests vertically on a sheet of paper. The paper is quickly snapped out from underneath the pipe which remains standing. |
| Eggs and Pizza Pan (1F20.35) Three raw eggs are propped up by cardboard cylinders which are standing on a round baking sheet. The baking sheet sits on three water filled beakers with a beaker directly under each egg. The pie sheet is knocked out by a broom (check on technique!), and the eggs drop straight down into the beakers of water. |
| Air Track - Shifted (1F20.50) A level air track is shifted side-to-side beneath a glider. With the air turned off, the glider moves with the track. With the air turned on, the glider stays still as the track is shifted due to a lack of accelerating forces and friction on the glider. |
1F30 - Inertia of Motion | Air Track - Glider Inertia (1F30.10) A glider at rest or in motion on an air track will maintain that state. |
| Air Table - Puck Inertia (1F30.11) Similar to the air track listed above, but with air jets blowing from beneath a plastic disc. Note: The air track is better for inertia demonstrations because the air table has more turbulence beneath the pucks. |
1G - Newton's Second Law1G10 - Force, Mass, and Acceleration | Air Track - Constant Acceleration Glider with Weights (1G10.10) Gliders on a level air track are accelerated by weights (large paper clips, approx. 3 grams apiece). |
| Heavy Cart with Spring or Spring Scale (1G10.15) A small wheeled cart is pulled along the table by a spring or spring scale with different forces to show different accelerations. The spring will give a smoother indication of a constant force (the scale bounces) but cannot give quantitative results. Weights may be added to vary the cart's mass. |
| Air Track - Glider and Spring (1G10.16) A light spring scale attached to a glider allows the application of a constant force. |
| Atwood's Machine (1G10.40) Two equal masses are attached to either end of a cord running over a pulley. Small additional weights can be added to one of the hanging masses to unbalance to weights and accelerate the system. A stopclock and a two meter stick can be used to show that acceleration is proportional to the unbalanced force. |
1G20 - Accelerated Reference Frames | Dropped Slinky (1B20.45) Hold a slinky vertically so some of it extends downward, then drop it to show the contraction vs gravitational acceleration. |
| Mass on a Moving Spring Scale (1G20.60) Hang a mass on a spring scale and then move the scale up and down to change the reading. |
| Air Track - Accelerometer (1G20.70) An acrylic and water accelerometer is bolted to the top of an air track glider. The surface of the colored water is perpendicular to the gravitational gradient at all times. The glider is placed at the top of a tilted air track with the air turned off, and the water surface is seen to be horizontal, and thus angled with respect to the track. Turn the air blowers on, and as the glider begins its descent the water surface quickly becomes parallel to the track and remains so it reaches the end. |
| Suspended Ball Accelerometers (1G20.76) Two types: a jar containing water and a lead weight on a string, and the same type of jar with a tethered float underwater. At rest, or at constant velocity, the supporting strings of both are vertical, but under acceleration they move away from the vertical (in opposite directions). |
1H - Newton's Third Law1H10 - Action and Reaction | Note: See Section 1N20 Conservation of Linear Momentum.
| Fan Car with Sail (1H10.20) A car with onboard fan and removeable "sail." Cart will not move at all with the sail perpendicular to the fan, but moves with the sail removed. |
1H11 - Recoil | Note: See Section 1N22 Rockets.
1J - Statics Of Rigid Bodies1J10 - Finding Center of Gravity | Irregular Objects (1J10.12) A piece of wood of irregular shape is hung on a metal pin from various points around its edge. Since the center of mass is directly beneath the point of support in each case, one can find it by using a plumb bob to draw vertical lines from two or more points of support - the lines intersect at the center of mass. |
| Meter Stick on Fingers (1J10.30) Rest a meter stick on two widely spaced fingers, then bring them together. Your fingers will always meet at the center regardless of initial position. The finger closest to the center at any time always supports the greater weight, so its frictional force is greater and it moves more slowly. |
1J11 - Exceeding Center of Gravity | Leaning Tower of Pisa (1J11.10) A model tower leans on a slanted base and is stable until a cap is added to the top; that shifts the center of mass outside the base and the tower topples. |
| Human Center of Mass (1J11.40) Place a piece of tape on the floor and stand with your toes behind the tape. Try to pick up something from the floor 1 meter away without moving your feet. Repeat with your heels square against the wall. |
1J20 - Stable, Unstable, and Neutral Equilibrium | Stability of Geometric Shapes (1J20.11) A cone, cylinder, cube, and a sphere are used to discuss stability and equilibrium conditions. The sphere has neutral stability. The cone and cylinder are either in neutral, stable or unstable equilibria depending on how they rest on a surface. |
| Clown on Tightrope (1J20.45) A toy clown with weighted rods as arms rides a unicycle down a length of string. The clown is stable because the center of mass is below the rope. |
| Chair on a Pedestal (1J20.51) A chair with weighted legs balances on a pointed rod. Since the center of mass is below the point of support the chair is stable and may be knocked around without falling over. |
| Double Cone on Incline (1J20.70) Two rails fastened together at a small angle form an incline; a cylinder will roll down the incline but a double cone will roll "up" the incline because the widening of the rails allows it to lower its center of mass by moving in that direction. |
1J30 - Resolution of Forces | Load on Removable Incline (1J30.10) A cart rests against a support block on an incline. A force can be applied parallel to the incline by a weight strung over a pulley, which is equal to the component of gravitational force in that direction. The support block can now be removed. Another weight is used to balance the normal force perpendicular to the incline; the incline can now also be removed. The cart will remain suspended in air. |
| Forces on a Taut Rope (1J30.25) A long taut line can be significantly displaced at its center with a small sideways force. Both the sideways force and rope tension can be displayed on spring scales. |
| Boom and Weight (1J30.40) A long boom is hinged at one end and supported by a cable at the other end. A large spring scale measures the force on the cable. Weights can be hung along the boom and the spring scale shows the resulting tension in the cable. |
| Force Board (1J30.50) Three strings are tied together to a common point, with their other ends passing over three pulleys and supporting three weights. Two different combinations of weights and string angles are available that will leave the common point in equilibrium under the three forces. |
1J40 - Static Torque | Torque Bar (1J40.10) A T shaped rod with screw eyes spaced along its length. A weight is hooked to an eye and lifted off the table by twisting your wrists. The farther from your wrists the weight is, the harder it gets. Good for student participation. |
| Balancing Meter Stick (1J40.20) A meter stick which pivots at the center is supplied with masses which may be attached to the stick at various points to achieve different equilibria. Masses and distances are all simple 1:2:3 ratios for ease of calculation in class. |
| Hinge Board (1J40.21) A flat board with hooks at intervals is attached to the table by a hinge. Lift the board at different distances from the hinge with a spring scale, and observe the force required. |
| Torque Wheel (1J40.25) A wheel with coaxial pulleys of 5, 10, 15, and 20 cm to show static equilibrium of combinations of weights at various radii. |
| Bridge and Truck (1J40.40) A long board with position markings is supported at each end by a kitchen scale. A 10 lb. toy truck is rolled to different positions along the bridge while the forces at each end of the bridge are indicated by the scales. |
| Roberval Balance (1J40.50) A simple pan balance is shown to be sensitive to the position of the weights, while the Roberval balance is not. |
| Crank and Axle An axle with a radius r has a crank handle with a length of 6r. A rope is wrapped around the axle, and a weight hung on the rope can be balanced by a much smaller weight on the crank. |
1K - Applications Of Newton's Laws1K10 - Dynamic Torque | Ladder Forces (1K10.20) A model ladder is positioned as though it were leaning against a wall, but is actually supported by three spring scales that provide the horizontal "wall" force and the horizontal and vertical "floor" forces needed to keep the ladder in equilibrium. A weight can be hung from various rungs of the ladder to vary the forces, which are read directly off the scales. |
| Large Spool with Wrapped Ribbon (Walking the Spool) (1K10.30) A large spool has a flat ribbon wrapped around its axle several times so that it will come off the bottom of the axle's shank as the spool rolls along the table. The spool will either roll clockwise, counter-clockwise, or slide without rolling, depending on the angle at which the ribbon is pulled. |
| Loaded Disc Rolling Uphill (1K10.50) A large disc has a lead weight hidden near one edge, so its center of mass is away from the center of the disc. If it is placed on an incline with the lead weight on the uphill side of the incline, it will roll uphill slightly because that lowers its center of mass. |
1K20 - Friction | Four Surface Incline (1K20.10) A board is covered with strips of four different materials (teflon, sandpaper, bare wood, and rubber) that run down the length of the board. Identical brass blocks are placed at the end of each, and the end of the board near the blocks is slowly lifted up. As the angle increases, the blocks will slide down the strip in order of the different coefficients of friction. |
| Incline with Sliding Blocks (1K20.35) Blocks with different surfaces are placed on an incline, which is slowly raised until the block just begins to slide down. The tangent of the angle at that point equals the coefficient of static friction between the inclined board and the sliding block. |
1K30 - Pressure | Bed of Nails (1K30.10) Lie down on a bed of nails and let the demo staff smash a cinder block. NOTE: Please see us first before requesting this. |
1L - Gravity1L10 - Universal Gravitational Constant
1L20 - Orbits | Gravitational Well Model (1L20.10) A sheet of fabric is stretched over a large horizontal loop and then distorted by placing a heavy ball in the center. Smaller balls can then be made to orbit around the potential well. Note: See also Marbles and Funnel (1Q40.70). |
| Orrery A motorized model of the solar system. |
1M - Work And Energy1M10 - Work | Pile Driver with Nails (1M10.20) Five nails are just barely driven into a piece of wood. Masses slide down a rod and strike the heads of the nails one by one, driving them into the wood. The penetration depths of the nails are compared as an indicator of the energy released in four different configurations (two different heights and two masses) versus the control nail. Note: See also Pile Driver with Foam (1N10.30). |
1M20 - Simple Machines | Examples of Simple Machines (1M20.01) A block and tackle, crow bar, differential pulley, inclined plane, screw jack, and windlass. |
| Pulleys and Mechanical Advantage (1M20.10) Pulleys rigged in different configurations to show mechanical advantage. |
| Block and Tackle Lift 50 lbs. with 14 lbs. of force on a spring scale. |
| 4:1 Ratio Pulleys Two pulleys with a 4:1 diameter ratio are bound together on a common axle. A weight on the large pulley is balanced by four times as much weight on the smaller. |
| Levers (1M20.40) A meter stick pivots on a knife edge which may be clamped anywhere on the stick. A weight is hung on a moveable hanger on the stick, which is then used as a lever by pulling with a spring scale either: on the other side of the fulcrum (Class I lever); on the same side of the fulcrum (Class II); or between the weight and fulcrum (Class III). Mechanical advantage can be shown. |
1M40 - Conservation of Energy | Bowling Ball Pendulum (1M40.10) Also called the Nose Breaker. A bowling ball pendulum suspended from the ceiling. NOTE: Only available in A102 and A118. |
| Galileo's Pendulum (1M40.15) A pendulum swings in front of a white board with horizontal marks. The string strikes a stationary peg, which stops the top part of the string and shortens the pendulum, but the bob always rises close to the initial height. |
| Loop the Loop (1M40.20) A ball rolls down a straight section into a vertical circular loop and then into a uphill incline. |
| Energy Well Track (1M40.25) A ball rolls down an incline and up a shorter hill on the other side. If the ball's initial height is below a given mark, the ball will not have enough energy to roll up and over the hill, but will instead roll back and forth between the two inclines. |
| Triple Angle Track (1M40.33) Three inclined tracks each have the same downward slope, but different uphill angles on the other side. A ball rolled down each track in turn rolls up the other side to the same height in each case, despite the different slopes. |
| Small Ball Rolling off Large Sphere (1M40.36) A small ball rolls down the side of a large hemisphere and loses contact midway. |
| Maxwell's Yo-Yo (Maxwell's Wheel) (1M40.50) A large yo-yo in a slightly different configuration. When released, it will unspool, bottom out, and then wind itself back up close to the release height. |
| Air Track - X^2 Energy Dependence of a Spring (1M40.63) A spring at the bottom of a tilted air track fires a glider up the track. Spring compressions of 1, 2, and 3 units produce rise heights of 1, 4, and 9 units respectively (compression units are smaller than rise height units). |
| Spring Ping Pong Gun (1M40.64) A small spring powered toy gun shoots ping-pong balls into the air after you provide the energy to compress the spring. Can also use a heavier wooden ball with the same input energy. |
| Spring Jumper (1M40.67) A small jumping toy which shows that a spring may contain enough energy to launch itself into the air. |
| High Bounce Paradox (1M40.91) A raquetball that’s been cut in half. Invert the curve of the ball with your hand. When dropped, the ball will pop back upon colliding with the floor, releasing the stored energy you put in and making it bounce higher than the release height. |
1M50 - Mechanical Power | Prony Brake (1M50.10) A student cranks on the handle for one minute against a constant frictional force. Knowing the drum circumference, the number of turns (and thus distance traveled), the force, and the time, horsepower can be calculated (about 0.25 hp max). |
1N - Linear Momentum And Collisions1N10 - Impulse and Thrust | Egg in a Sheet (1N10.20) A raw egg is thrown into a hanging sheet and decelerates without breaking. The same egg may then be broken by dropping it into a beaker. Impulse is actually greater with the sheet, but the beaker produces a greater force over a shorter time and cracks the egg. |
| Musket and Wax Bullet Status: Unavailable An old muzzle loader is used to fire a 4 gram wax bullet into a thin board, splitting the board. The high velocity of the bullet gives it a lot of momentum and kinetic energy despite its low mass. |
| Pile Driver with Foam (1N10.30) A pile driver drops a mass onto a plastic strip and cracks it, but not if a piece of foam is placed on the board. Same impulse, different force and time. Note: See also Pile Driver with Nails (1M10.20). |
1N20 - Conservation of Linear Momentum | Reaction Carts Two rolling carts, one with a spring-loaded plunger, are tied together with a string. The string is burned, and the two carts are pushed apart by the spring and roll away with equal and opposite momentum. A large weight can be added to one cart to increase mass. |
| See-Saw Center of Mass (1N20.10) The Reaction Carts are balanced on a long see-saw board so that their center of mass is directly above the fulcrum. The board is horizontal and stable. When the string between the carts is burned, they spring apart with equal and opposite momenta. The center of mass remains above the fulcrum so the board remains balanced (until one cart strikes the end of the board). Most dramatic with different mass carts. |
| Air Track - Reaction Gliders (1N20.20) Two gliders which spring apart with equal and opposite momenta when the string between them is burned. Mass ratio can be 1:1, 2:1, or 3:1. |
1N22 - Rockets | Rocket Wagon with Fire Extinguisher (1N22.10) The exhaust from a CO2 fire extinguisher is vented out a tube at the back of a red wagon. Instructor sits on the wagon, fires the extinguisher, and accelerates across the room. "And all this science, I don't understand / It's just my job, five days a week / A rocket man, a rocket man" - Elton John. Note: Please come early for the pre-flight safety briefing. |
| Water Rocket (1N22.20) A toy plastic water rocket uses pressurized air as a driving force. The amount of lift varies greatly with the selection of the exhaust: air exhaust will barely move the rocket (low mass transfer), but water exhaust can easily send the rocket to the ceiling. |
| CO2 Rotator (1N22.33) A CO2 cartridge is inserted in a cylinder at the end of a rotation arm. When the end of the cartridge is punctured, the escaping CO2 spins the arm in a circle. |
1N30 - Collisions in One Dimension
| Eleven Pool Balls (1N30.15) Eleven pool balls are suspended linearly. One or more balls can be separated together and released to collide with the remaining balls, and the same number of balls fly off other end. This is similar to the Newton’s Cradle above, but doesn’t work quite as well because the pool balls have a lower coefficient of restitution than the stainless steel balls. |
| Collision Balls (Various Masses) (1N30.20) Two balls are suspended side by side so that one may be swung out and released to strike the other. Available in mass ratios of 1:1, 1:3, and 1:80. Velcro may be used on the 1:1 balls to produce inelastic collisions. |
| Air Track - Elastic and Inelastic Collisions (1N30.30) Elastic collisions use spring or magnet bumpers. Inelastic collisions use putty. Different masses can be used. |
| Air Track - Spring Compression An air track glider accelerates down an inclined track and compresses a large spring at the end. |
| Air Track - Double Glider High Bounce (1N30.65) Similar to the Double Ball Drop above, but much easier to perform. A light glider rests behind a heavy glider on a tilted track, partway up the track. Release them together, and after striking the bottom the light glider will bounce up to three or four times the original release height. |
| Astro-Blaster Toy Five rubber balls of diminishing size are threaded on a common rod through holes in their middles. The balls are free to slide on the rod, but only the top (smallest) ball is free to come off the rod. If the stack of balls is dropped on the floor, the ratio of the ball masses is such that most of the momentum and energy of the four lower balls is transferred into the top ball during the collision with the floor. The top ball flies off the stick to a much greater height than the drop height. |
1N40 - Collisions in Two Dimensions | Air Table - Elastic and Inelastic Collisions (1N40.20) Two dimensional collisions between pucks having equal or unequal masses, elastic collisions using magnetic pucks, inelastic collisions using Velcro-edged pucks. A camera shows the view from above. |
1Q - Rotational Dynamics1Q10 - Moment of Inertia | Moment of Inertia Rods (1Q10.10) Two long rods look the same but have different mass distributions (either concentrated at the center or at the two ends). The instructor spins the rod with the mass at the center, while a student spins the rods with the mass at the ends. |
| Rolling Bodies (Discs, Hoops, and Sphere on Incline) (1Q10.31) Two equal mass and size cylinders with different mass distributions are rolled down an incline simultaneously and the difference in translational velocity is noted. Also a hoop and disc of equal mass, and sphere and cylinder of equal radius and similar mass. |
| Soup Cans on Incline (1Q10.50) Two soup cans, one filled with a chunky soup and the other with a broth, roll down an incline. |
1Q20 - Rotational Energy | Angular Acceleration Machine (1Q20.10) A flat bar free to rotate about its center is accelerated by the torque provided by a string-wrapped disc and hanging weight. Two weights attached to the bar may be removed, placed close to the center of the bar or at the ends of the bar for three different moments of inertia. Accelerating weights may be varied, and can be hung on either a 5 cm or 10 cm disc to change torque - observe varying angular accelerations. |
| Spool Wheel on Incline (1Q20.30) A large spool with a small hub rolls down an incline on the hub. When it nears the bottom of the incline the large outer discs touch down and the wheel rolls on the discs instead of the hub. Since points on the edge of the outer discs have a much greater translational velocity than points on the hub, the wheel as a whole gains translational velocity. To compensate, it loses rotational velocity. |
| Bicycle Wheel on Incline with Lockable Hub (1Q20.35) A bicycle wheel with a center hub that can be left free to rotate or locked to the wheel rolls down an incline on the hub. When the hub is locked, a large amount of energy must go into the angular momentum of the wheel as it rolls, so the translational velocity is much lower than with the hub free. |
| Falling Chimney (Faster Than g) (1Q20.50) Two boards are fixed together by a hinge at one end so as to allow them to fold together. One board is flat on the table and the other board is propped up by a stick, with a ball balanced on a golf tee attached to the end of the board. When the stick is pulled away and the board is released to free fall, there is a torque about the hinge and rotates as it falls. The rotation causes the end below the ball to accelerate faster than the ball and the ball falls into the cup. |
1Q30 - Transfer of Angular Momentum | Satellite Derotator (1Q30.25) Two heavy weights on cables are released from a vertically spinning disc to stop the system by conservation of angular momentum. |
1Q40 - Conservation of Angular Momentum | Rotating Stool and Weights (1Q40.10) Sit on a rotating stool holding a dumbell in each hand; pulling the dumbells inward will increase your angular velocity, letting them out will decrease it. |
| Rotating Stool and Long Bar (1Q40.15) Same rotating stool as above; a long hand-held metal rod twisted in one direction will twist the instructor the opposite way. Weights can be added to the bar for a greater effect. |
| Wheel and Brake (1Q40.45) A horizontal bicycle wheel is contained in a frame that is free to rotate in the same plane as the wheel. A braking device mounted to the frame is held open by a string; burn the string and the brake clamps down on the wheel, transferring angular momentum from the wheel to the frame and making both rotate together at a lower velocity. |
| Marbles and Funnel (1Q40.70) Marbles roll into a large glass funnel. The marbles spiral downward and rapidly increase their rate of rotation, due to conservation of angular momentum. Finally they reach an equilibrium level where they revolve in a nearly horizontal plane, gradually dropping lower as friction slows them down. |
| Air Rotator with Deflectors (1Q40.82) A rotating bar has tangential air jets at the ends of the arms and deflectors which may be swung into the air streams. If the deflectors are out of the air streams, the device will rotate like a garden sprinkler. If the deflectors are in, and air velocity is low, no rotation is observed because the reaction force of the air leaving the jet is balanced by the force of the air striking the deflectors. |
1Q50 - Gyroscopes | Gyroscopes Choose from various gyroscopes, from simple toys to high quality demonstration models. Select this entry for general gyroscope info and references. |
| Handheld Gyroscope A gimbal mounted gyroscope will maintain its axis of rotation when it is moved around the room. |
| Bicycle Wheel Precession (1Q50.23) A bicycle wheel with handles which may be spun up with a string wrapped around the hub. It can then be suspended by a rope tied to one handle to show precession. Will also precess when stood on its end like a top. |
| Double Bicycle Wheel (1Q50.25) Two bicycle wheels on a common axis. If they are rotating in the same direction they will precess, but if they are rotating in opposite directions their net angular momentum is zero and they simply fall over. |
| Motorized Gyroscope (Precession and Nutation) (1Q50.30) A motorized gyroscope with a heavy flywheel on gimbals. Weights may be hung from the end of the bearing arm to produce precession and nutation. The flywheel takes over a minute to come up to full speed, and if a weight is hung on the arm when the spin is still slow, precession will initially be rapid but will slow down as the flywheel speeds up. |
| Gyroscopic Ship Stabilizer (1Q50.72) A motorized gyro is free to pivot when a ship model is rocked. |
1Q60 - Rotational Stability | Euler's Disk (Spinning Coin) (1Q60.25) A disk spins without slipping on a smooth surface. |
| Spinning Football (1Q60.35) Spin a football on its side and it raises up on end. Note: Please practice first. |
1R - Properties Of Matter1R10 - Hooke's Law | Hooke's Law (Mass on Spring) (1R10.10) Hang weights on a spring a measure the displacement. |
1R20 - Tensile and Compressive Stress | High and Low Elastic Limits (1R20.11) A plastic slinky spring may be stretched a long way and will still return to its original length. A copper coil stretched even a short distance won't return to its original length. |
| Young's Modulus (1R20.15) A long wire mounted in a vertical stand has a weight hanger on one end and a small platform partway down on which a pivoting mirror sits. Add weights to the weight hanger and the wire stretches, pivoting the mirror and deflecting a laser beam. The spot on the wall moves farther with each added weight. |
| Bending Beams (1R20.20) Three flat bars of different lengths and thicknesses are mounted on the lecture desk so that they project over the edge. Weights are placed on the ends of the bars to compare the deflection. |
1R30 - Shear Stress | Stress and Strain (1R30.20) A rectangular block of foam rubber stretches to show various stresses and strains. |
| Torsion Rod (1R30.40) A metal rod has a large disc attached to the end. Weights are hung off the edge of the disc, twisting the rod. A pointer arm shows the amount of twist. |
1R40 - Coefficient of Restitution | Coefficient of Restitution (1R40.10) Balls of different materials fall down a glass tube and bounce off a hard surface at the bottom. The square root of the ratio of rebound height to initial is the coefficient of restitution. Varies from around 0.95 (glass) to 0.00 (lead). |
| Happy and Sad Balls (1R40.30) Two rubber balls that look similar but have different elasticities are dropped on a table. One bounces, one doesn't. |
1R50 - Crystal Structure | Bravais Lattice Models Unit cells of the 14 Bravais lattices. |
| Crystal Models (1R50.20) Models of various crystals. |
2 - Fluid Mechanics
Surface Tension | Statics Of Fluids |
2A - Surface Tension2A10 - Force of Surface Tension | Force of surface Tension (2A10.10) A square wire frame with the bottom side free to slide is dipped in soap solution and pulled out; the surface tension of the soap film pulls on the sliding wire. |
| Surface Tension Disc (2A10.33) Lift a floating disc off a water surface with a spring or spring scale to show the force needed to overcome surface tension. |
| Soap Bubbles (2A10.50) Blow soap bubbles. |
2A15 - Minimal Surface | Ring and Thread in Soap Film (2A15.10) A loop of thread is tied across a rigid square frame, which is dipped in a soap solution. The thread will float limply in the soap film until the film inside the loop is punctured; the loop will then spring into a circle due to the surface tension of the soap film outside it, forming a surface of minimum energy. |
| Soap Film Minimal Surfaces (2A15.20) Wire frames of various sizes and shapes are dipped into a soap solution, and form surfaces of minimum energy. |
2A20 - Capillary Action | Capillary Tubes (2A20.10) Glass capillary tubes with different size bores all sit in a reservoir of colored water - the water rises to different heights in each tube. |
| Capillary Action (2A20.35) A small glass capillary tube is lowered into a resevoir of colored water which jumps up the tube. |
2B - Statics Of Fluids2B20 - Static Pressure | Pressure vs. Depth (2B20.15) Status: Unavailable An electronic pressure gauge is lowered into a tall column of water. As the sensor is lowered, the increasing pressure is displayed on a LED bar graph. |
| Pressure vs. Depth in Water and Alcohol (2B20.16) Status: Unavailable The electronic pressure sensor and LED bar graph display are used first in water and then in alcohol. |
| Hydrostatic Paradox (2B20.34) A truncated glass cone is open at both ends and fits against a flat glass plate. If the plate is held against the wide side of the cone and submerged in water, it will hold tight due to the pressure differential between the air inside and the water outside. With the plate against the small end of the cone, however, it will not stay put due to the smaller area of pressure differential. |
| Pascal's Vases (2B20.42) Tubes of various shapes rise from a common horizontal tube. When filled with water, the level is the same in each tube. |
2B30 - Atmospheric Pressure | 1 Atmosphere 'bar' (2B30.05) A 1" square bar of steel is cut to weigh 14.7 pounds. When stood on its end, it exerts a pressure of 14.7 psi, or 1 atm. |
| Crush a 55 Gallon Drum (2B30.20) Boil water in a 55 gallon drum, seal, and then cool. This is by far, one of the most impressive demos that we have. Note: Our barrel supply is VERY limited so talk to us if you're interested in this demo. |
| Crush a Can with a Vacuum Pump (2B30.25) Evacuate a one gallon metal can and it will collapse from the air pressure on the outside. |
| Magdeburg Hemispheres (2B30.30) Two small hemispheres with handles are pressed together and evacuated; they cannot be separated by hand due to the unbalanced pressure on the outside. |
| Suction Cup (2B30.36) A large, 4" diameter, suction cup of the type used to carry large panes of glass has a small hole in the top. If the suction cup is squeezed down onto a table and the hole covered with a finger, a student will not be able to pull the suction cup off the table as long as your finger covers the hole. |
| Card on Inverted Glass (2B30.45) Fill a glass with water, place a stiff card over opening and invert. Card remains in place due to atmospheric pressure below card. |
| Stool and Rubber Sheet (2B30.50) A square rubber sheet with an attached handle is set on top of a wooden stool or other heavy object. The weight of the sheet drives the air out from beneath it, and the air pressure on the outside holds the sheet and stool together. The stool can now be lifted by pulling up on the handle. |
| Adhesion Plates (2B30.55) Status: Unavailable Two very flat glass plates will stick together without adhesives due to the unbalanced pressure on their outside surfaces. |
| Vacuum Cannon (2B30.70) A long PVC pipe contains a ping pong ball at one end. Both ends are sealed and the tube is then evacuated by a vacuum pump. When the seal is broken at the end with the ping pong ball, atmospheric pressure accelerates the ball and gives it enough kinetic energy to destroy empty aluminum cans. |
2B35 - Measuring Pressure | Mercury Barometer (2B35.10) A simple mercury barometer. |
| Mercury Barometer in Vacuum (2B35.15) A mercury barometer is enclosed in a tall bell jar. The tube is evacuated, and the height of the mercury column falls to zero. |
| Aneroid Barometer (2B35.40) Has a glass back to show the mechanism. |
2B40 - Density and Buoyancy | Buoyant Force (2B40.14) Two large scales show the weights of a container of water and of an aluminum cylinder. When the cylinder is lowered into the water, its weight as shown on the scale decreases; the weight reading of the water container simultaneously increases by the same amount. |
| Floating Board and Weights (2B40.18) A board sinks equal amounts as equal weights are added. |
| Archimedes' Principle and Crown (2B40.20) A spring scale supports a plastic bottle and an aluminum cylinder on a string. The aluminum cylinder is lowered into a water bath and the displaced water that spills out is collected in a large beaker. The weight reduction of the cylinder is noted on the scale. Then the water that was displaced is poured into the plastic bottle tied to the scale and the scale reading returns to its original value, showing that the buoyant force is equal to the weight of water displaced. Can be repeated with an irregularly shaped object (a gold crown) to find that it is, unfortunately, a fake. |
| Cartesian Diver (2B40.30) A Cartesian diver is controlled by squeezing a bulb attached to the water column. Increased pressure decreases the air volume in the diver and lowers its buoyancy so it sinks. Release the pressure and the diver returns to the top. |
| Helium Balloon in Helium (2B40.43) A helium balloon is placed in a large glass bell jar, and it floats to the top. Helium is then leaked into the jar with a hose, and when the air has all been displaced the balloon sinks to the bottom. Pick the jar up and the balloon floats on the helium/air interface. Note: Helium is becoming scarce so this demo may not always be available. |
| Weight of Air (2B40.45) An evacuated 1 liter flask is placed on a digital scale. Air is then readmitted to the flask, and the extra weight of the air increases the reading on the scale. |
| Density Ball (2B40.59) A metal sphere barely floats in cold water and sinks in hot water. |
| Hydrometer (2B40.60) Hydrometers float in two different liquids to demonstrate liquid density measurement and buoyancy. |
2B60 - Siphons, Fountains, Pumps | Hero’s Fountain (2B60.10) A clever arrangement of reservoirs connected by tubes that forces a stream of water above the highest reservoir. |
| Siphon (2B60.20) Siphon water from one beaker to another. |
2C - Dynamics Of Fluids2C10 - Flow Rate | Torricelli's Tank (2C10.10) A tall tank of water has three holes at different heights. Water streams out these holes with different velocities depending on their depth. |
| Syringe and Water (2C10.26) A large syringe is used to show the change in velocity with changes in tube diameter. Fill syringe with water, then point into the air and press the plunger. Your thumb, and the water in the wide part of the syringe, are moving slowly, but the water emerging from the narrow tip has a high velocity. |
2C20 - Forces in Moving Fluids | Venturi Tubes (2C20.10) A horizontal pipe with a constriction in the center has four pressure manometers attached along its length. Air flows at high speed through the pipe. Pressure decreases uniformly along the pipe, as shown by three of the manometers, but the manometer attached at the constriction shows a lower pressure than expected due to the increased air velocity (Bernoulli's Principle). |
| Pitot Tube (2C20.25) A pitot tube is connected to a water manometer and the air stream velocity is varied. |
| Ball in an Air Jet (2C20.30) A high velocity air stream supports large styrofoam balls and holds them in place due to the greater pressure outside the air jet. |
| Suspended Plate in Air Jet (2C20.40) A horizontal metal plate has a hole in the center out of which air flows downward at high velocity. A second plate pushed up against the first will cling to it due to the high velocity (low pressure) of the air flowing between them. |
| Card and Spool (2C20.41) A card with a small pin stuck through into the spool will be suspended when you blow into the spool. |
| Airplane Wing (2C20.50) A curved sheet of aluminum is lifted upwards when a high speed air jet flows over the surface. |
| Flettner Rotor (Magnus Effect) (2C20.80) A cart has a motorized styrofoam cylinder mounted vertically. When the cylinder rotates at high speed, air from an air track blower passing around the cylinder will make the cart move at right angles to the air stream. |
2C30 - Viscosity | Bubbles in Oil (2C30.25) Three tubes containing different oils with different viscosities each have an air bubble at the top of the tube. Turn over the rack holding the tubes, and the bubbles will drift up at three different terminal velocities. |
| Viscous Drag in water (Terminal Velocity) (2C30.50) Small balls slightly denser than water are dropped into a tall cylinder of water. Viscous drag slows the balls as they sink, giving them a low terminal velocity. |
| Air Friction (2C30.65) Drop two pieces of paper simultaneously, with one flat and the other crumpled into a ball. |
2C40 - Turbulent and Streamline Flow | Turbulence Sphere A glass sphere filled with rheoscopic fluid can be spun to produce visible turbulent (and some not-so-turbulent) flow of the fluid. |
2C50 - Vorticies | Tornado Tube (2C50.30) Two plastic bottles are joined together at the necks by a small orifice and partially filled with water. Turn the pair over and give it a swirl and a tornado will form, with air coming up through the center and water going down the periphery of the orifice. |
3 - Oscillations and Waves
Oscillations | Wave Motion | Acoustics | Instruments |
3A - Oscillations3A10 - Pendula
| Inverted Pendulum (3A10.20) A vertical bar with a sliding weight is clamped at the bottom and free to oscillate at the top. The period of oscillation depends upon the position of the weight. |
| Torsion Pendulum (3A10.30) A heavy disc at the end of a limber vertical rod can be set into torsional oscillation. Mass can be added to the disc to show the effect on the period of oscillation. |
3A15 - Physical Pendula
| Hoops and Arcs (3A15.40) A full circular hoop and portions of a hoop of the same diameter pivot from a hole at the center of the periphery of each. Though they vary greatly in size, each will swing on the pivot with the same frequency of oscillation. |
| Kater Pendulum (3A15.70) A pendulum used for a highly precise measurement of g. Analysis requires moments of inertia, for which we have no precise data. |
3A20 - Springs and Oscillators | Oscillating Mass on a Spring (3A20.10) A mass is hung on a spring mounted in front of the blackboard, then pulled down and released to show simple harmonic motion. |
| Air Track - Oscillating Glider (3A20.35) A single air track glider of variable mass oscillates between two springs. |
| Water in U-Tube (3A20.55) Colored water oscillates between two legs of a glass U-tube. Motion can be frozen at any point by corking one leg of the tube. |
| Ball in Plastic Bowl (3A20.60) A rubber ball rolls in a large hemispherical plastic bowl. |
3A40 - Simple Harmonic Motion | Circular vs. Simple Harmonic Motion (Spring) (3A40.10) The shadow of a pin moving uniformly around a circle in the vertical plane is superimposed over that of an oscillating spring and weight. The shadows of the pin and the weight are synchronized so that the shadows move in unison on the screen. |
| Circular vs. Simple Harmonic Motion (Pendulum) (3A40.20) The shadow of a pin moving uniformly around a circle in the horizontal plane is superimposed over that of a swinging pendulum. The shadows of the rotating pin and pendulum are synchronized so that the shadows move in unison on the screen. |
| Tuning Fork with Light (3A40.41) Tuning Fork with Light (3A40.41) -- a large tuning fork with a low frequency has a small light bulb on one tine. The tuning fork is set into vertical oscillation and then moved horizontally in a dark room. The light bulb traces out a sine curve. |
| Phase Shift (3A40.65) A vertical disc has two balls mounted at its edge which may be moved to different angular positions. As the disc is rotated, the balls are shadow projected so that their circular motion appears as SHM. By moving the balls to different relative positions on the disc (in multiples of 45 degrees), their motion on the screen will be 90 degrees out of phase, 135 degrees out of phase, etc. |
3A50 - Damped Oscillators
3A60 - Driven Mechanical Resonance | Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse (3A60.10) A film showing the collapse of the original Tacoma Narrows Bridge due to resonance. Also available at archive.org |
| Resonant Driven Pendula (3A60.31) Three simple pendula of different lengths are hung from a horizontal bar with an attached driver pendulum. The driver pendulum is a stiff rod with an adjustable bob so that its frequency can be changed. The driver pendulum is set to the natural frequency of each pendulum in turn, and only that one pendulum oscillates. |
| Bowling Ball Pendulum and Hammer (3A60.35) A heavy bowling ball hangs from the ceiling on a long cord. A rubber mallet is used to strike the ball and build up oscilations. If the striking frequency equals the natural frequency of the pendulum, the oscillations build up to large amplitudes. |
| Driven Spring and Weight (3A60.43) A mass on a spring is driven at an adjustable frequency. Damping the motion in a cylinder of water shows a small shift in the resonant frequency of the oscillator. |
| Reed Tachometer (3A60.50) A set of metal reeds of descending natural frequencies is attached to a gyroscope. The gyroscope is slightly off balance so that it vibrates as it spins, and as its rotational frequency passes through the frequencies of the reeds each reed vibrates in turn. |
3A70 - Coupled Oscillations | Wilberforce Pendulum (3A70.10) A spring with a weight which has a natural rotational frequency equal to its vertical oscillation frequency. Start the weight oscillating, and energy will transfer back and forth between the rotational and translational modes. Large bright dots on the weight improve visibility. |
| Spontaneous Synchronization in Metronomes (3A70.23) Five small metronomes on a lightweight board are set to the same frequency and started oscillating out of phase. At first the board sits on the table and the metronomes will oscillate independently. The board is then placed on two empty aluminum cans (on their sides) to provide some light coupling between the metronomes. The metronomes will phase lock with each other within a minute or two and their 'tick-tocks' will all be in unison. |
| Coupled Pendula (3A70.25) Two identical massive bobs at the ends of two pendulum rods are coupled by a spring and set swinging. Alternately each one stops oscillating as its energy is transferred to the other, then begins swinging again as the energy is transferred back. Different springs change the amount of coupling and the time required for total energy transfer. |
3A75 - Normal Modes | Air Track - Multiple Coupled Gliders (3A75.10) Two or three gliders are hooked together with springs to form a coupled oscillator system. Different modes of oscillation may be set up easily by hand. |
| Air Track - Two Gliders with Spring Steel Two gliders are attached with a long piece of spring steel. With the air track turned off, the gliders are brought close together (compressing the spring) and the gliders are tied with a loop of string. When the string is burned, the gliders oscillate about the midpoint of the spring steel. Can also be set in motion before burning the string. |
| Phonon Modes (Periodic Boundary Conditions) The Pasco Longitudinal Wave Model (3B20.30) is driven by a mechanical oscillator to set up standing waves. The two rods on the ends are rigidly connected to the driver while the other rods are coupled together by springs. Cutoff frequency: ~6.4 Hz. |
3A80 - Lissajous Figures | Lissajous Patterns (3A80.20) Two audio oscillators, one connected to the vertical input of a large oscilloscope and the other to the horizontal input. A change of pattern is observed with a change in amplitude, frequency ratio, or phase. |
3A95 - Non-Linear Systems | Lockable Double Pendulum A chaotic double pendulum that has a locking bolt to turn it into a simple nonchaotic physical pendulum. |
| Periodic but not SHM (3A95.38) A pendulum with a massive bob at the end has a long limber wire projecting out of the top. The pendulum exhibits simple harmonic motion, but the wire is constrained by a loop encircling it and exhibits periodic but non-simple harmonic motion. |
| Pump Pendulum (3A95.70) A pendulum swings on the end of a string which passes over a pulley. If the string is pulled to lift the weight at the right frequency and phase, the amplitude of the pendulum gradually increases. |
3B - Wave Motion3B10 - Transverse Pulses and Waves | Wave on a Rope (3B10.10) A long rope is attached to the wall. Shake the loose end to show a travelling transverse wave. |
| Tension Dependence of Wave Speed (3B10.15) Waves plucked on a length of stretched rubber tubing shows a strong dependence on tension. |
| Spring on Table (3B10.20) A long brass spring is stretched out on the lecture table and shaken at one end. Transverse waves of large amplitude and low velocity will propagate along the spring. The far end can be fixed or free. |
| Pulse on a Moving Chain (3B10.26) A chain loop is hung loosely across two wheels, one free and one motor driven. Motor speed and chain tension can be adjusted so that a pulse wave produced by a sharp blow from a stick will propagate at the same speed as the chain motion and thus appear motionless. Practice to avoid knocking the chain off with too heavy a blow. |
| Transverse Waves (Bell Labs Wave Machine) (3B10.30) Rods are arranged like ribs along a square wire "spine." A torsional wave can be sent down the spine by sharply displacing the tip of the first rod. As the wave propagates along the spine, each rod is tipped in turn by the passage of the wave, and the displacement of the ends of the rods is visible to the class, appearing as a transverse wave (visibility can be increased by illuminating the fluorescent tips of the rods with UV). |
3B20 - Longitudinal Pulses and Waves | Longitudinal Waves (Hanging Slinky) (3B20.10) Longitudinal waves propagate slowly on a large plastic slinky suspended horizontally. The slinky is hand driven and can be used to show single pulses or standing waves. Paper markers hang on the coils to increase visibility of compression and rarefaction. The far end can be free or fixed. Note: This is on the same setup as Transverse Waves (Bell Labs Wave Machine) (3B10.30). |
3B22 - Standing Waves | Standing Transverse Waves (Driven Waves in Rubber Tubing) (3B22.10) A long piece of rubber tubing is stretched out horizontally and run over a pulley at one end, then tensioned with a hanging weight. At the other end a revolving bar strikes the tubing at a frequency which can be adjusted with a motor speed controller. Transverse waves of various frequency can thus be sent along the tubing, and when the right frequencies are reached the tubing vibrates in various standing wave modes. 1 kg and 0.25 kg masses can be used to vary the tension. |
| Standing Waves in Hanging Slinky (3B22.50) Drive a hanging slinky by hand to produce standing longitudinal waves. |
| Standing Longitudinal Waves and Ultrasonic Levitation (3B22.60) A 28 kHz ultrasonic transducer with an adjustable reflector plate. The plate can be positioned to produce a standing wave pattern with enough pressure to levitate styrofoam beads. Visible with the Schlieren Optics System (6A40.60) |
| Standing Wave Model (3B22.90) A sine wave is drawn on a loop of acetate that moves between two rollers. The students see two sine waves, one moving to the left and one to the right at the same velocity. At some points (nodes) the amplitudes of the two waves will always be equal and opposite, so they cancel. At points in between (antinodes), the two waves will always be moving together, so they will reinforce at those points to create greater amplitudes. A grid can be inserted that marks the nodes and antinodes for easy viewing. |
3B25 - Impedance and Dispersion
| Spring on Table Reflection (3B25.25) Reflections in a long horizontal brass spring (3B10.20) with fixed and free ends. |
3B27 - Compound Waves | Bell Labs Wave Machine - Superposition (3B27.15) Start positive pulses from each end of the Bell Labs Wave Machine. |
3B30 - Wave Properties of Sound | Phonodeik Status: Unavailable Shows the deflection of a light beam which is reflected from a delicate mirror on the diaphragm of a mechanical microphone during oscillation. An "oscilloscope" from the pre-electronic era of candle flames, levers, and ingenuity. Note: For show and tell only right now. |
| Light and Siren in Vacuum (3B30.3) A buzzer and a LED are mounted inside a bell jar. The air is then evacuated from the jar, and although the LED can still be seen, no sound can be heard from the siren. Also listed as 6A02.10. |
| Sound in Helium (3B30.50) Helium can be blown through a variety of resonant music makers to demonstrate the higher notes that are created with a lower density gas. Choices include organ pipes, a jug or ocarina instrument, and (most popular) an inhaled lungful by the instructor. |
3B40 - Doppler Effect
| Doppler Reed (3B40.25) A reed mounted on the end of a rotating arm produces a tone whose pitch wobbles up and down as the arm rotates. |
3B50 - Interference and Diffraction | Ripple Tank - Single Slit Diffraction (3B50.10) Diffraction from plane waves passing through a single slit. |
| Ripple Tank - Double Source Interference (3B50.20) Two point sources in phase show interference. |
| Ripple Tank - Double Slit Interference (3B50.25) Interference from plane waves passing through two slits. |
| Ripple Tank - Multiple Slits Plane waves passing through multiple slits. |
| Moire Pattern (3B50.40) Two identical patterns of concentric circles are superimposed on an overhead projector or under the document camera. The separation between their centers changes by sliding one across the other and prodcues interference patterns. |
3B55 - Interference and Diffraction of Sound | Two Speaker Interference (3B55.10) Two speakers driven from a common source are mounted at the ends of a long horizontal bar. The bar can be rotated to sweep the nodes and antinodes through the class. |
| Acoustical Interferometer (Quincke's Tube) (3B55.40) A function generator drives a speaker that is connected to two U shaped tubes, one of which has a variable length. The two tubes recombine and a microphone and oscilloscope show how the amplitude changes with the path length difference. |
3B60 - Beats | Beats from Tuning Forks (3B60.11) Two matched tuning forks are used, one of which has an adjustable weight on one tine. By adjusting the weight, the forks can be set to either equal frequencies or slightly different frequencies to produce beats. |
| Beats from Organ Pipes (3B60.13) Two large metal pipes mounted vertically on the lecture table will resonate at low frequencies when a source of "white noise" (a Fisher burner) is placed at the bottom end. If both pipes are excited they will produce beats. |
| Beats from Singing Glass Tubes (3B60.16) Two small glass Rijke tubes (3D30.70) have electrically heated wire grids and moveable tubes. Move a tube so that the grid is at the 1/4 point and the tube will "sing." Put it anywhere else, and it won’t. Since the tubes are slightly different lengths, running them both together produces beats. |
| Beats on Oscilloscope (3B60.20) Status: Unavailable The outputs of two function generators are mixed and fed into an amplifier, then the amplifier output is fed into a speaker as well as an oscilloscope. Note: Needs work right now. |
3B70 - Coupled Resonators | Coupled Tuning Forks (Sympathetic Vibrations) (3B70.10) Two matched tuning forks are mounted on resonance boxes. Hit one and the other vibrates too. |
| Ames Tube Resonating Cavity A hollow metal cavity is made to resonate with a tuning fork. Can also show sympathetic vibration, beat phenomena, and mechanical coupling. |
3C - Acoustics3C10 - The Ear | Model of the Ear (3C10.10) A model of the human ear. |
3C20 - Pitch | Range of Hearing (3C20.10) An audio oscillator, speaker, and an oscilloscope. Sweep the frequency up and down, announcing the value as the class gets a feel for the audible range and the relationship between frequency and pitch. Can also display subsonic and ultrasonic frequencies that cannot be heard. |
| Galton Whistle (3C20.15) A small ultrasonic whistle produces high intensity sounds at frequencies that are essentially inaudible to humans. |
| Siren Disc (3C20.30) A disc with eight rings of uniformly spaced holes and a ninth ring of randomly spaced holes. The disc is spun by a motor and an air jet is directed at the holes. Puffs of air through the disc as a hole passes the air jet produce pressure variations, and thus sound. Different musical notes are heard from different rings of regularly spaced holes but noise is heard from the ring of randomly spaced holes. |
| Gear with Vibrating Card (3C20.40) Similar to a playing card in the spokes of a bike wheel. Rotation of the gear can be varied to produce everything from a rapid clicking (under 20 Hz) to full-fledged sounds. |
3C30 - Intensity and Attenuation | Decibel Meter (3C30.22) A sound level meter with output measured in decibels. Try it with your voice, a buzzer, or various instruments. Used under the document camera. |
3C50 - Wave Analysis and Synthesis | Pasco Fourier Synthesizer (3C50.10) The Pasco Fourier Synthesizer is connected to a speaker and an oscilloscope. The synthesizer can generate two fundamentals of 440 Hz and eight higher harmonics, each with amplitude and phase control. The synthesizer can produce either sine, square or triangular wave forms. Note: While it works fine, there are several nice java applets available. |
3C55 - Music Perception and the Voice | Tuning Forks on Resonant Boxes (3C55.55) Two tuning forks and two resonant boxes. Shows that the box needs to be matched to the fork. |
| Microphone and Oscilloscope (3C55.70) Show the output of a microphone on the oscilloscope. Observe patterns of voices, speech, tuning forks, and musical instruments. |
3D - Instruments3D20 - Resonance in Strings | Sonometer (3D20.10) The ends of a stretched steel wire are hooked to an audio amplifier and a small horseshoe magnet is placed over the wire, so that transverse vibrations of the wire are transformed into currents along the wire. The currents are amplified and fed into an oscilloscope to display the waveform. The wire is finger plucked, and both tension and length are adjustable. Harmonics can be either ignored or intensified by changing placement of the magnet, and can also be damped out selectively with a small brush. |
3D22 - Stringed Instruments | Guitar An acoustic guitar. |
| Piano A small upright piano is available in or from room A110 by arrangement. |
| Piano Key Action Cutaway of a piano key and hammer mechanism to show complicated nature of the system used to properly strike piano strings in order to excite a note and avoid damping. |
3D30 - Resonance Cavities | Note: The next two demos are most commonly used together.
| Vertical Resonance Tube (256/512 Hz) (3D30.10) A glass cylinder is filled with water to one of two preset levels and the tuning fork with a frequency equal to the resonant frequency for that level is held over the opening. It is noted that the sound is much louder than when the tube is filled to any other level. |
| Resonance Tube with Piston (3D30.15) A long glass tube with a moveable piston has a speaker at one end. Using a sound wave of known frequency, move the piston while listening for changes in sound intensity. Different points of maximum intensity will be found at regular spacing, which can be marked with stick-on dots on the side of the tube. The distance between the dots and the known frequency can be used to calculate the speed of sound in air. |
| Kundt's Tube (3D30.60) Air column resonance in a horizontal glass tube is shown by adding cork dust to the tube and driving the air column with a speaker at one end of the tube. Accumulation of cork dust shows nodes (displayed on overhead projector). Tube length may be varied with a sliding stop at the far end. |
| Rijke Tube (3D30.70) A 6 cm diameter by 62 cm long glass tube has a piece of wire mesh across the tube 1/4 up from the bottom. The tube is held over a burner until the wire mesh glows red hot, then removed and held vertically. A loud tone is produced as a result of a standing sound wave in the tube. Turn the tube horizontal and the tone stops, then starts again when the tube is held upright. |
3D32 - Air Column Instruments | Slide Whistle (3D32.15) Toy whistle has a slide arrangement to vary column length and thus pitch. |
| Open and Closed End Pipes (3D32.25) A variety of organ pipes with different lengths and removeable end pieces to show the effects of pipe length and the difference between open and closed end resonators. |
| Recorder Used to discuss the effect of hole openings in effectively shortening the resonance length. |
| Ocarina A toy musical instrument (resonant cavity with finger holes). |
3D40 - Resonance in Plates, Bars, Solids | Xylophone Bars (3D40.10) Individual rectangular bars mounted on sounding boards. |
| Xylophones Wood or metal xylophones covering an octave or two. |
| Rectangular Bar Oscillations (3D40.11) A long metal bar with a rectangular cross section. A high pitch longitudinal oscillation is excited by hammering the end. Two lower transverse frequencies are excited by striking one side or the other of the bar, with the wider side having the lower frequency. |
| Singing Rods (3D40.21) An aluminum rod (approximately l.3 cm diameter by two meters long) is held at the center with one hand. The other hand strokes the rod between a rosined thumb and forefinger to produce loud, high frequency, longitudinal oscillations. The support point may be changed to produce harmonics of the fundamental tone, and two other rods of shorter lengths produce higher frequencies. Note: This demo requires some practice. |
| Chladni Plates (3D40.31) Square or circular plates are driven by a speaker and oscillator. Sand sprinkled on the surface will collect along the nodal lines. |
| Drumhead (3D40.40) A rubber sheet stretched over a circular frame is driven by a speaker from below and develops standing waves at certain frequencies. Grid lines on the sheet emphasize the displacement patterns (fundamental and 1st and 2nd overtones, which are not in harmonic multiples). Off-center placement of the speaker produces other patterns. Sheet tension can be adjusted to alter the fundamental frequency and overtones. Motion can be frozen using a strobe light. |
| Wine Glass Resonance (3D40.50) Dip your finger in water and run it around the rim of a wine glass. |
| Water Spouting Bowl (3D40.51) A 15" diameter decorative bowl with handles is partially filled with water. Wet your hands and then rub the handles to create resonance. The standing wave will cause the water to jump up several inches or more. |
3D46 - Tuning Forks
3E - Sound Reproduction3E20 - Loudspeakers | Simple Speaker (3E20.10) A simple speaker made from a coil taped to cardboard box lid. A board with several permanent magnets is brought nearby and the box lid becomes a decent speaker. |
| Cutaway Speaker (3E20.15) A speaker that has been sliced to allow a side view of the cone motion when the speaker is speaking. |
4 - Thermodynamics
Thermal Properties Of Matter | Heat And The First Law | Change Of State | Kinetic Theory | Gas Law |
4A - Thermal Properties Of Matter4A10 - Thermometry
| Liquid Crystal Sheets (4A10.50) Large sheets of temperature sensitive liquid crystals change color with temperature. |
4A20 - Liquid Expansion | Thermal Expansion of Water (4A20.10) A flask filled with colored water has a long glass tube protruding up from the neck. A gas flame is placed under the flask and thermal expansion forces water up the tube. |
| Negative Expansion Coefficient of Water (4A20.30) A flask of colored water with a glass tube inserted through the stopper is kept in a bath of ice water until the temperature of the water in the flask has fallen to 0 C. The water level in the vertical tube is noted, and the flask and tube are removed from the ice bath. As the temperature of the flask water rises, the water level in the tube drops until the water has warmed to about 4 C, the temperature of maximum density, then begins to rise. Demonstrates why ice floats, and always forms at the top surface of the water. Note: Needs to be rebuilt with a smaller flask. |
| Density of 4 C Water (4A20.35) A mixture of ice and water in a beaker is placed on a styrofoam pad. After coming to equilibrium, a large thermometer can be used to show that the water up around the ice is at 0 C, while the denser water at the bottom is at 4 C. |
4A30 - Solid Expansion | Bimetallic Strip (4A30.10) Two different metal strips bonded together and fastened to a handle. When heated, the strip bends because of the different expansion rates of the metals. |
| Bimetallic Coil Same as the bimetallic strip, but helical in form. The coil is heated and moves a large indicator arrow as it expands. |
| Thermostat Model (4A30.11) A model of a thermostat with a lamp heater and a bimetallic strip. |
| Ball and Ring (4A30.21) A metal ball and ring on handles are constructed so that the ball will just pass through the ring at room temperature. The ball is heated and will not pass through the ring. The ball and ring are both heated and the ball now passes through the heated ring. |
| Ball and Hole (4A30.22) A ball which is too large to pass through a hole in a square metal plate will pass easily through the hole after the plate has been heated in a flame. Many students expect the hole to shrink upon heating, but it actually expands along with the rest of the plate. |
| Heated Wire (4A30.60) A thin wire supported at both ends is electrically heated and the wire sags in the middle. |
4A40 - Properties of Materials at Low Temperatures | Elasticity at Low Temperatures (4A40.15) A lead spring is dipped in liquid nitrogen and hooked on a vertical stand. A weight is attached to the end of the spring and set into oscillation. The spring will oscillate when cold, but as it warms up its elastic limit is lowered and the weight sags onto the table. |
| Smash Stuff in Liquid Nitrogen (4A40.30) Cool flowers, racquetballs, fruit, etc. in liquid nitrogen. Please bring your own items (no watermelons). |
4B - Heat And The First Law4B10 - Heat Capacity and Specific Heat | Calorimeter (4B10.26) A double walled aluminum calorimeter with hole on top for a thermometer; used for heat of fusion of water, etc. |
| Specific Heat with Metal Shot (4B10.28) Three equal masses of metal shot (aluminum, steel, and lead) are heated in boiling water, dumped into equal masses of room temperature water and stirred. The final temperature of each is read with a large display thermometer. Reasonable figures for the heat capacities of the metals can be obtained from the data. |
| Specific Heat with Rods and Wax (4B10.30) Cylinders of lead, brass, and aluminum are heated in boiling water, then lifted onto a block of paraffin. The weights melt through the wax with speeds approximately proportional to their heat capacities. |
| Ruchardt's Experiment for gamma (Cp/Cv) (4B10.70) A steel ball in a precision tube oscillates as gas escapes from a slightly overpressured flask. By measuring the oscillation frequency, you can determine the ratio gamma = Cp/Cv. Note: Please talk to us in advance. |
4B20 - Convection | Convection in Square Tube (4B20.10) A large glass square loop is filled with water and heated by a burner near one bottom corner. The resulting circulating convection current is shown by adding drops of dye to the water. |
4B30 - Conduction | Thermal Conductivity (4B30.12) Five rods of different composition are attached to a steam chamber to provide equal temperatures at the bases of the rods. The rods are covered with wax, which melts and peels off as the rods heat up. Relative rates of heat conduction can be deduced from the rates at which the wax melts on each rod. The five materials in order of decreasing conductivity are: copper, aluminum, brass, steel, and glass. |
4B40 - Radiation | Leslie Cube (Video) (4B40.30) Status: Unavailable A brass cube filled with hot water has four different faces: plain brass, painted white, painted glossy black, and one painted flat black. A thermocouple connected to a projection galvanometer is positioned near the Leslie cube and the cube is rotated on its base so that each face passes in front of the thermocouple. A different rate of radiation is seen from each face. |
| Radiation from Hot and Cold Bodies Two parabolic reflectors are aligned facing each other, with a thermopile at the focal point of one of the reflectors and a heated sphere at the other. A projection galvanometer's deflection shows the transmission of heat by radiation. Replace the hot sphere with a sphere dipped in liquid nitrogen and the galvanometer will deflect in the opposite direction (showing that the thermopile itself is radiating and heat flows to the cold sphere). |
4B50 - Heat Transfer Applications | Insulation (Dewar Flasks) (4B50.10) Four dewar flasks (thermos bottles) are filled with boiling water and a thermocouple is placed in each. Each flask has a different degree of insulation, and these are (from worst to best): unsilvered without vacuum between the walls, silvered without vacuum, unsilvered with vacuum, and silvered with vacuum. The water temperature is measured throughout the class period and compared to an uninsulated beaker. Temperatures are collected and displayed via a LabVIEW program and a laptop plugged into the projector. |
| Water Balloon Heat Capacity (4B50.25) A lit match may be held directly beneath a water balloon without burning through the balloon, due to the high heat capacity of the water. In contrast, an air balloon explodes immediately on contact with the flame. |
| Leidenfrost Effect (4B50.30) Pour water onto a very hot pan, or pour liquid nitrogen on the floor. |
4B60 - Mechanical Equivalent of Heat | Drill and Dowel (4B60.55) A wooden dowel held in an electric drill chuck is ground against a large flat piece of wood. The friction between the two produces heat and smoke. |
| Cork Popper (4B60.70) A motorized rotating hollow shaft holds a thimblefull of water and is sealed with a stopper. Wood brakes are squeezed together on either side of the rotating shaft, and the heat generated by friction boils the water and pops the cork. |
4B70 - Adiabatic Processes | Fire Syringe (4B70.11) Compress air to ignite two match heads. |
| Temperature Change with Compression (4B70.31) A plastic syringe contains a thermocouple in the tip that connects to a large display thermometer. If the syringe is compressed rapidly, a temperature rise is seen on the thermometer. Pulling the plunger out rapidly lowers the temperature of the air inside. |
4C - Change Of State4C10 - PVT Surfaces
4C20 - Phase Changes: Liquid - Solid | Regelation (4C20.30) A block of ice is supported at ends and a thin wire with weights attached is hung over the top. Pressure from the wire decreases the melting temperature of the ice, and the wire will pass through the block without cutting it in two (the ice refreezes behind the wire) within 15 to 30 minutes. |
| Heat of Crystallization (4C20.60) A commercial hand warmer for campers. Contains a solution of sodium acetate that crystalizes and releases heat |
| Thermite An extremely exothermic reaction between Iron Oxide (rust) and Aluminum produces liquid Iron. |
4C30 - Phase Changes: Liquid - Gas | Boil Water Under Reduced Pressure (4C30.10) A special flask with a concave depression in its bottom is filled with water and boiled to drive out the air. The flask is then sealed with a stopper and thermometer (which shows the water is boiling at 100 C), turned upside down, and cooled by filling the hollow with ice. The resulting pressure reduction causes the water to boil at a reduced temperature (70 to 80 C or even lower). |
| Liquid Nitrogen in a Balloon (4C30.35) A small amount of liquid nitrogen is poured into a balloon and allowed to evaporate and expand. |
| Note: Electrolysis of Water (5E20.10) is listed in Section 5E20 - Electrolysis.
4C31 - Cooling by Evaporation | Cryophorus (4C31.10) A partially evacuated glass tube that contains some water in the bulb on one end. The other empty end is placed in liquid nitrogen and the change in pressure causes the water to boil and then freeze. |
| Freezing Water by Evaporation (Triple Point) (4C31.20) Air pressure is lowered almost to vacuum over a small sample of water, which begins to boil. Evaporation in vacuum lowers the temperature of the water until it reaches the triple point at .01 C where it then freezes. |
| Drinking Bird (4C31.30) Commercial novelty item. Dip the bird's beak into a beaker of water, then let it go. Evaporation of the water from the wet beak cools the beak, lowering the vapor pressure of the liquid inside and drawing it up into the head. That overbalances the bird and it tips into the water for a "drink." In that position, the liquid inside flows back into the lower bulb, which rights the bird and starts the cycle over. Note: This is not very visable for a large class without using a camera. |
4C33 - Vapor Pressure | Hand Boiler (Franklin's Pulse Glass) (4C33.50) A glass tube contains a small amount of a volatile liquid (Methylene Chloride). Heat from your hand will boil the liquid and the vapor pressure will force it to flow to the opposite end of the tube. Note: This is small and not very viewable for a large class. |
4C40 - Sublimation | Sublimation of CO2 (4C40.10) CO2 is solidified by dipping a balloonful in a container of liquid nitrogen. The balloon is cut open to show the solid CO2, which sublimates directly to the gaseous state. |
4C50 - Critical Point | Critical Point of CO2 (4C50.10) liquid CO2 in a glass tube at high pressure is close enough to the critical point that warm air from a hair dryer will complete the transition. The tube is displayed with a video camera and the meniscus is seen, but when the tube is heated the meniscus slowly fades and disappears as the liquid CO2 goes through a gradual transition to a high pressure gas. A turbulent mixture of liquid and gas with equal densities is seen above and below the miniscus point. |
| Critical Opalescence (4C50.20) A mixture of triethylamine and water is heated and passes through the liquid/gas critical point. The liquid is clear at first, then becomes cloudy as it approaches the critical point. |
4D - Kinetic Theory4D10 - Brownian Motion | Brownian Motion in Smoke (4D10.10) A chamber is filled with smoke and observed with a camera. See also Molecular Motion Demonstrator (4D30.20). |
4D20 - Mean Free Path | Crooke’s Radiometer (4D20.10) A partially evacuated glass bulb holds a pinwheel where the vanes are reflective on one side and painted black on the other. Light from an incandescent lamp will be absorbed by the dark side of the vanes, heating the nearby air, and causing the pinwheel to rotate towards the reflective side of the vanes. |
4D30 - Kinetic Motion | Molecular Motion Demonstrator (4D30.20) A small variable speed motor shakes a metal frame mounted over a glass plate. Various sized plastic and metal balls placed in the frame bounce randomly about, simulating molecular motion. Concepts which may be demonstrated include temperature, equipartition, diffusion, and Brownian motion. |
4D50 - Diffusion and Osmosis | Bromine Diffusion (4D50.45) Two glass tubes containing bromine and bromine/air are cooled in liquid nitrogen and allowed to warm back up to show rates of diffusion. The bromine only tube will diffuse faster than the bromine/air mixture. |
4E - Gas Law4E10 - Constant Pressure
| Helium Balloon in Liquid Nitrogen (4E10.22) Charles's Law or Volume vs. Temperature. A helium balloon is drenched with liquid nitrogen. As the helium shrinks in volume, the balloon loses buoyancy and comes to rest on the table. As the helium warms up, the balloon expands and begins to float again. Note: Constant pressure here is atmospheric pressure. |
4E20 - Constant Temperature
4E30 - Constant Volume | Gay-Lussac's Law (Pressure vs. Temperature) (4E30.10) A hollow metal sphere is attached via tubing to a pressure gauge on the overhead projector. The sphere is immersed in water baths of various temperatures (boiling, room temperature, and ice water) and the corresponding pressure is noted. |
| Constant Volume Gas (Pressure Thermometer) (4E30.20) Status: Unavailable Constant volume is maintained by adjusting a water column, and pressure is read from the height of water in the other leg of the tube. Qualitative only, and only usable for small changes in pressure. |
4F - Entropy And The Second Law4F10 - Entropy | Entropy Pennies A tray is filled with pennies painted green on the tails and red on the heads. If the tray is shaken the pennies begin to flip at a rate dependent on the magnitude of the shaking. Eventually an equilibrium is reached, with approximately equal numbers of reds and greens. Further shaking will not, of course, return them to their original state. If only a few pennies are used, they will occasionally return to their original state, showing the dependence upon the number of particles in the system. |
| Mixing and Unmixing (4F10.10) The volume between two coaxial cylinders is filled with glycerin and a thin column of red dye. When the inner cylinder is rotated, the dye appears to be mixed but is distributed in a fine cylindrical shell within the glycerin. Reversing the direction of inner cylinder rotation will cause the original dye column to reappear. Note: Please talk to us about this first. |
4F30 - Heat Cycles | Heron's Engine (or Hero's Engine) (4F30.01) A working model of the first primitive steam engine. A glass globe containing a small amount of water is heated with a flame. The steam produced comes out through two arms and spins the globe. |
| Stirling Engine - Heavy Duty A heavy duty Stirling engine. This is the biggest engine, but perhaps the least instructive because of low visibility. |
| Stirling Engine - Hot and Cold Will run in one direction when placed on a hot resevoir, and will run in reverse when placed on a cold resevoir. Note: May be out of service. |
| Cutaway Steam Engine (4F30.31) A cutaway model of a steam engine shows the steam chamber, piston, valves, etc. |
5 - Electricity and Magnetism
Electrostatics | Electric Fields And Potential | Capacitance | Resistance | Electromotive Force And Current | DC Circuits | Magnetic Materials | Magnetic Fields And Forces | Inductance | Electromagnetic Induction | AC Circuits | Semiconductors And Tubes |
5A - Electrostatics5A10 - Producing Static Charge
| Electrostatic Rods and Cloth (5A10.10) Glass rods and silk (positive charge), clear acrylic rods and wool (positive charge), red acrylic rods and wool (negative charge), or rubber and fur (negative charge). |
| Electrophorus (5A10.20) An aluminum disc with an insulating handle on top of a plastic plate which has been charged by rubbing with a piece of wool. A finger or grounded wire touched to the top of the metal plate removes the induced charge that is the same polarity as the charge on the plate, then the disc is lifted off the plate, leaving the disc charged to a high voltage. This may be repeated many times without recharging the plastic. |
5A20 - Coulomb's Law
| Three Ping Pong Balls Three aluminum coated and electrically connected ping pong balls hang from a common point on thin wires so that they just touch. The balls are charged with a Wimshurst generator, causing them to repel from each other. A camera is mounted directly above the ping pong balls and shows that the direction of the repulsive force is outwards from the center of the three balls. |
5A22 - Electrostatic Meters | Electroscope (5A22.10) An electroscope to show charge. Uses a light to project the shadow onto a translucent glass screen which helps visibility at shallow viewing angles. |
5A30 - Conductors and Insulators | Conducting and Non-Conducting "T" Terminal on Electroscope (5A30.15) A large "T" shaped terminal is attached to the electroscope. One arm is made of acrylic and the other arm is aluminum, but both have a metal ball on the end. Touch a charged rod to the ball on each arm to show that only the aluminum arm conducts and charges the electroscope. |
5A40 - Induced Charge | Charge by Induction (Induction Spheres) (5A40.10) Two metal spheres on insulated stands are touching each other. A charged rod is brought near one of them which induces the opposite charge on the other sphere. While the rod is held close to the first sphere, the other is moved away and touched to the electroscope. |
| Wood Needle (5A40.30) A wood 1x2 is placed on a rotating pivot, and will be attracted by either a positively or negatively charged rod due to induction and polarization of the water molecules within the wood. |
| Metal Rod on Pivot (5A40.35) An aluminum rod on a rotating stand will be attracted to a charged rod of either polarity due to induced charge in the conductor. |
| Deflection of a Water Stream (5A40.40) A charged rod deflects drops of water. Note: This is hard to see in a large class. |
| Kelvin Water Dropper (5A40.70) An unusual induction machine in which dripping water acts as the carrier for charge buildup in two metal cans. When a sufficiently high voltage is reached, the cans discharge through a small fluorescent bulb. Note: This is hard to see in a large class. |
5A50 - Electrostatic Machines | Wimshurst Machine (5A50.10) A hand cranked generator produces sparks in the hundred kilovolt range; in principle a continuously operating electrophorus (see 5A10.20). |
| Toepler-Holtz Machine (5A50.15) Status: Unavailable Large 300 kV discharges from this antique generator (circa 1895) are very impressive, but give us a few hours notice in order to pre-charge it beforehand. Specific demos include: Lightning Rod (5B30.30), Point and Candle (5B30.40), Pinwheel (5B30.50). Caution: Crank slowly! Note: Needs repairs and is out of service. |
| Van de Graaff Generator (5A50.30) A small Van de Graaff generator and a discharge wand. The generator without paper streamers will produce larger sparks than the generator with paper streamers (see 5B10.15). |
5B - Electric Fields And Potential5B10 - Electric Field | Van de Graaff With Streamers (5B10.15) A Van de Graaff generator with paper streamers taped to the dome shows the radial shape of the electric field produced by the generator. Can also show the distortion of the field due to the introduction of a grounded metal rod. Note: This works much more reliably than getting hair to stand up. |
| Van de Graaff with Pie Pans (5B10.25) A stack of Aluminum pie pans will jump off the Van de Graaff Generator when charged. |
| Bouncing Ping Pong Balls (5B10.30) A variation of Franklin's Bells. Aluminum coated ping pong balls bounce up and down between two charged metal plates due to electrostatic forces on the balls. Also shows basic charge transfer. Note: This uses the same setup at the Millikan Oil Drop Analog. |
| Grass Seed Electric Field (5B10.40) Electrodes of different shapes are placed in a transparent dish filled with mineral oil and a small amount of grass seed (which contains water). A Wimshurst machine is connected to the terminals and the electric field applies a force on the dipole moment of the water molecules in the grass seed. The seed will then move within the oil and bceome aligned with the electric field produced by the generator. |
5B20 - Gauss' Law | Gaussian Surfaces (Show & Tell) Show and tell items of various geometries for point, line, and plane charge distributions. |
| Faraday Ice Pail (5B20.10) Shows that charge resides only on the outside of a hollow conductor. A metal trash can is charged using a Wimshurst machine, then the charge distribution on the can is investigated using a metal ball on an insulating rod. |
| Faraday Ice Pails on Two Electroscopes (5B20.15) Two Faraday Ice Pails sit on individual electroscopes. One Ice Pail is charged. A conductive sphere or pith ball is used to transfer half the charge from the outside of one pail to the outside of the other. Both pails are then discharged and reset. Then the pith ball is used to transfer all of the charge from outside of the first pail to the inside of the second. |
| Faraday Cage (5B20.30) A large mesh wire cage fits over the electroscope, shielding it from outside electric fields. A high voltage source (a charged acrylic rod) brought near the cage will not deflect the electroscope. |
| Radio in a Faraday Cage (5B20.35) A small AM radio is placed in a copper wire mesh cage. Note: The lecture halls themselves sometimes act as large Faraday cages and block all radio transmissions. |
5B30 - Electrostatic Potential
| Toepler-Holtz - Lightning Rod (5B30.30) Status: Unavailable A model house with a conductor in the chimney is placed on the Toepler-Holtz machine. One electrode of the machine connects to the chimney, the other to a "cloud" suspended directly above the chimney. When the machine is cranked, impressive sparks between cloud and chimney simulate lightning bolts striking the house. A sharp pointed lightning rod (which is electrically connected to the chimney) is then pushed up out of the top of the house, and the resulting corona discharge stops the lightning immediately. |
| Van de Graaff and Discharge Wand (5B30.35) A grounded wand with a round bulb on one end and a sharp point on the other is brought near a charged Van de Graaff. The bulb end draws out impressive sparks, while the pointed end produces only corona discharge. |
| Toepler-Holtz - Point and Candle (5B30.40) Status: Unavailable A burning candle brought near a sharp point attached to the Toepler-Holtz machine is nearly blown out due to the electrostatic repulsion on the ions in the flame and the coronal wind from the point. By comparison, holding the candle near the large ball electrode to which the point is attached produces a much smaller effect. |
| Toepler-Holtz - Pinwheel (5B30.50) Status: Unavailable A pinwheel with sharp points at the ends of the arms is mounted so as to spin horizontally on one of the electrodes of the Toepler-Holtz machine. When the machine is cranked, the corona discharge from the points causes the pinwheel to spin. |
5C - Capacitance5C10 - Capacitors | Sample Capacitors (5C10.10) Show and tell capacitors of many types and sizes. |
| Parallel Plate Capacitor (Variable Separation) (5C10.20) Two parallel circular metal plates which form a capacitor are supported so that the distance between them can be varied. The plates are connected to an electrostatic voltmeter and charged. As the separation varies, the changing voltage between the plates is reflected in the reading on the voltmeter. See also Parallel Plate Capacitor with Dielectrics (5C20.10). |
| Battery and Separable Capacitor (5C10.21) A parallel plate capacitor with its plates separated by a thin mica sheet is hooked to the electroscope and charged with a 90 V. battery. The plates are pulled apart, and the decrease in capacitance raises the voltage enough to deflect the electroscope. |
| Tuning Capacitor (Variable Area) (5C10.35) Similar to the Parallel Plate Capacitor (5C10.20), but this is a large version of the tuning capacitor used in AM radios, in which the area (overlap) between the plates can be changed. |
5C20 - Dielectrics
| Force on a Dielectric (5C20.20) Dielectrophoresis due to a non-uniform electric field at the edge of a parallel plate capacitor. A circular plastic disk on the end of a pivoting arm is balanced between and slightly above the plates of a large parallel plate capacitor. As the capacitor is charged, the force on the dielectric pulls it down between the plates. |
| Dissectable Leyden Jar (5C20.30) A Leyden jar with removeable inner and outer conductors is charged with a Wimshurst machine then discharged with a large spark. The Leyden jar is charged again, then disassembled by removing the inner and outer conductors. These can be touched together, grounded, etc., and no sparks are seen. However, if the Leyden jar is now reassembled and discharged, the spark will be almost as large as the original spark. Note: Please see us beforehand about technique. |
5C30 - Energy Stored in a Capacitor | Leyden Jars on a Wimshurst Machine (5C30.10) A Wimshurst machine is first run without the Leyden jars connected, and frequent but weak sparks are observed. The Leyden jars are then connected, and the discharges become less frequent but much more powerful. |
| Exploding Capacitor (Show & Tell Only) (5C30.20) Status: Unavailable Three 1500 mF capacitors connected in parallel and rated for 400 volts. A shorting bar shows the stored energy could melt and vaporize metals. This configuration is no longer used or charged due to safety concerns. |
| Charge vs. Voltage (5C30.37) A small capacitor is charged at 1.5V, then discharged through a projection ballistic galvanometer, the amount of deflection of the galvanometer giving an indication of the charge the capacitor held. The same capacitor is then charged to 3V, and the deflection of the galvanometer upon discharge is approximately doubled. |
| Generator and Capacitor (5C30.38) A hand cranked (Genecon) generator charges a 1 Farad capacitor. When the handle is released, the generator is now a motor powered by the capacitor. Will the handle rotate in the same direction as when charging the capacitor? Or will the handle rotate in the opposite direction? NOTE: See also Genecon Generator and Inductor (5K40.80). |
| Series and Parallel Capacitors (5C30.42) Two capacitors mounted on a board which can be used individually, in series, or in parallel. After a combination has been charged to 1.5 V, it is discharged through a projection ballistic galvanometer, and the amount of charge the combination held is reflected in the displacement in the galvanometer. Note: Capacitance of each can vary by +/- 20% so the parallel capactitance is the sum of the two and not necessarily twice either individual capacitance. |
5D - Resistance5D10 - Resistance Characteristics | Sample Resistors (5D10.10) Various types, values, and power ratings. |
| Resistance Wires (5D10.20) One board containing five wires of different lengths, areas, and materials. Each of the wires is hooked in turn across a battery and the current through the wire is shown on a large meter. The dependence of resistance on length, area, and composition of the wire can be shown. See also Ohm's Law (5F10.10) and Series and Parallel Resistance (5F20.55). |
5D20 - Resistivity and Temperature | Coil with Lamp in Liquid Nitrogen (5D20.10) A lamp in series with a resistance coil doesn’t glow at room temperature. When the coil is submerged in liquid nitrogen, its resistance decreases and the bulb lights brightly. |
| Heated Wire with Lamp (5D20.20) A resistance wire in series with a small lamp and an ammeter is heated by a gas flame. The resistance of the wire increases with rising temperature, causing the current to decrease and the lamp to dim. |
5D30 - Conduction in Solutions | Conductivity of Solutions (5D30.10) A probe consisting of two metal prongs with 110 V between them is dipped into various liquids, solutions, etc. If the liquid conducts, current flows and lights a bulb. |
| Glowing Pickle (5D30.30) Apply 110 VAC across a pickle and it lights at one end. Note: This demo will stink up the whole room! |
5D40 - Conduction in Gases | Jacob's Ladder (5D40.10) A classic electrical display often seen in the background of mad scientist B movies. Two long vertical electrodes are close together at the bottom, but separate gradually towards the top. 15,000 Volts from a transformer starts an arc at the bottom. Since the voltage is AC the arc breaks as the voltage decreases; the ionized air that was heated during the arc rises while the arc is off. When the AC voltage again becomes high enough to strike an arc, it goes through the ionized air that has risen above the point of the previous arc. The process continues until the arc reaches the top of the electrodes, where it breaks off and reforms at the bottom to begin the cycle again. |
| Neon Lamp (5D40.50) A neon lamp does not conduct below 80 V, but passes current easily above that voltage, and will continue to carry current down to about 60 volts once the current has been started. |
| X-ray Ionization (5D40.80) Discharge an electroscope with X-rays. |
5E - Electromotive Force And Current5E20 - Electrolysis | Electrolysis of Water (5E20.10) DC through slightly acidic water produces hydrogen and oxygen at the electrodes. Matches are provided to ignite the Hydrogen. |
5E30 - Plating | Copper Electroplating (5E30.20) DC and a copper sulfate bath are used to electroplate copper onto a carbon electrode. |
5E40 - Cells and Batteries | Internal Resistance of Batteries (5E40.75) Two lead acid batteries, one new and one old, are individually connected to a voltmeter and a switched light bulb. The new battery will have a minimal voltage drop when the bulb is switched on (bright). The old battery has a large internal resistance and will show a substantial voltage drop when connected to a light bulb (dim). |
5E50 - Thermoelectricity | Thermocouple (5E50.10) Current registers on a milliammeter when this large twisted wire thermocouple junction is heated in a flame. |
| Thermoelectric Magnet (5E50.30) Heat and cool opposite sides of a large thermocouple. Suspend a large weight from an electromagnet powered by the thermoelectric current. |
| Thermoelectric Pinwheel. A small pinwheel is powered by a Peltier Junction whose terminals are placed in hot and cold water baths. Swap the water baths and the pinwheel will reverse direction. |
5E60 - Piezoelectricity | Piezoelectric Sparker (5E60.20) A piezo crystal sparker that can be used to charge an electroscope. |
| Piezoelectric Lighter with Neon Lamp (5E60.21) The piezo element in a modified fire starter develops sufficient voltage to flash a neon lamp. |
5F - DC Circuits5F10 - Ohm's Law | Ohm's Law (5F10.10) Uses the Resistance Wires (5D10.20) board described above, but in this demo the voltage is also varied. |
5F15 - Power and Energy | Voltage and Current in House Lines (5F15.40) Lamps and heating elements are wired in parallel to 120 VAC. The voltage and current are shown on large multimeters. As each element is switched into the circuit, the current and total power increases. Circuit breakers and old fashioned fuse wire are used to protect the “house.” When these safety features are bypassed, pieces of paper on the wiring will catch on fire. |
| I^2R Losses (5F15.45) Nichrome, iron, and copper wires are wired in series with a Variac. A small paper rider is wrapped around each wire. As the voltage is increased, the wires begin to heat up in order of decreasing resistance. Although the current is the same for all wires, the wire with the biggest resistance (nichrome) heats up first and burns its paper rider. Increasing the voltage (and thus the current) further makes the iron wire burn its paper rider and makes the nichrome glow red-hot. The copper wire barely gets warm. |
5F20 - Circuit Analysis | Sum of IR Drops (Kirchoff's Voltage Law) (5F20.10) Three large variable resistors are wired in series with a battery. The voltage drop across each resistor is measured with a voltmeter, and the sum of them equals the battery voltage. |
| Conservation of Current (Kirchoff's Current Law) (5F20.16) A two loop DC circuit containing a battery and three variable resistors. Three ammeters measure the current entering a node and the currents in the two loops. |
| Slide Wire Potentiometer (5F20.30) Highly accurate voltage measuring device. |
| Wheatstone Bridge (5F20.40) Measure resistance by balancing voltage drops over two different paths, one of which includes the resistor to be measured. Three types are available: (1) With Lamps to show the principle but not make actual measurements, (2) With a sliding wire to make actual measurements, and (3) A commercial bridge as a show-and-tell item. |
| Series and Parallel Light Bulbs (5F20.50) Two sets of three light bulbs, one wired in parallel and the other in series, will clearly show the different current in the two circuits by the relative brightness of the bulbs. |
| Series and Parallel Resistance (5F20.55) Two identical resistance wires on a board are connected to a battery, either individually, in series, or in parallel. The current for the different configurations is measured with a large meter. |
| Resistor Cube Twelve identical resistors are soldered together to form the edges of a cube, whose resistance can be measured across an edge, a face, or across the entire cube from corner to corner. |
5F30 - RC Circuits | RC Circuit (5F30.20) An oscilloscope plots the voltage across a capacitor (or the resistor) in a RC circuit. |
| RC Circuit Analog A flat disc on the end of a spring is submerged in a large glass jar of water. Pull up suddenly on the end of the spring and the disc will rise in the water, quickly at first then slowly as it approaches equilibrium, similar to a RC circuit. The spring is analogous to the capacitor - pulling on it suddenly is the same as applying a sudden voltage. The resistance of the water to the motion of the disc is the analogue of the electrical resistance in the circuit. The distance that the disc moves is the analogue of capacitor charge. |
| Relaxation Oscillator (5F30.60) A capacitor, resistor, and DC power supply are wired in series, with a neon bulb in parallel with the capacitor. The capacitor charges to about 80 V (the breakdown voltage of the neon bulb), then discharges through the bulb and begins the cycle again. The capacitor voltage can be plotted on an oscilloscope. |
| Emergency Flasher A commercial emergency flasher uses a 9V battery to flash a neon lamp at approximately 2 Hz. The battery voltage is stepped up internally to provide the 600 Volts needed to flash the tube. |
5F40 - Instruments | Loading by a Voltmeter of Insufficient Resistance (5F40.21) Voltages in a simple series circuit are measured first with a voltmeter with a high input impedance, then are dragged down by simultaneously using a voltmeter with a low input impedance. Another variation is to use one voltmeter to measure the input impedence of a second voltmeter. |
5G - Magnetic Materials5G10 - Magnets | Lodestone (5G10.16) Magnetite, a naturally occurring magnetic mineral. Color coded with North and South poles. |
| Broken Magnets (5G10.20) A broken bar magnet held together by its own magnetism acts as a single magnet when whole. It can be pulled apart into two or more pieces and their fields traced with compasses and/or iron filings to show that each piece is also a complete magnet. |
5G20 - Magnetic Domains and Magnetization | Barkhausen Effect (5G20.10) A soft iron core is surrounded by a pickup coil. Bringing a permanent magnet nearby causes domains in the iron to become aligned, which is picked up as white noise by the coil and amplified into a speaker. |
| Magnetic Domain Model (5G20.30) A plastic plate holds small bar magnets on bearings which simulate domains. They line up with one another, flip in the presence of an external field, etc. Use with the document camera. |
| Electromagnet with 1.5 Volt Battery (5G20.70) A small electromagnet powered by a 1.5V battery that can hold several kilograms. |
| Big Electromagnet (5G20.72) A huge coil carries about 25 Amps and produces a very strong field; will attract nails, etc. that are brought near. A nail on a string allows the shape of the field to be probed, and the removeable iron core concentrates the magnetic flux. Note: See also Lamp in Parallel with a Solenoid (5J20.20). |
5G30 - Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism | Paramagnetism and Diamagnetism (5G30.15) Paramagnetism: Test tubes of manganese chloride and copper sulfate are balanced on the ends of a rotating bar. A strong horseshoe magnet brought nearby will attract both materials towards the magnet. Diamagnetism: A similar rotating configuration with blocks of bismuth will be repelled by the magnet. |
5G40 - Hysteresis | Hysteresis Waste Heat (5G40.50) A small amount of water is contained in the secondary coil of a transformer. Waste heat from eddy currents and magnetic hysteresis boils the water. |
5G50 - Temperature and Magnetism | Heated Canadian Nickel (5G50.15) Nickel (Curie temp: 358 C) is ferromagnetic at room temperature and paramagnetic when heated with a gas torch. A Canadian nickel hangs from a wire and is initially suspended by a strong magnet. After heating, the nickel falls away from the magnet. |
| Curie Temperature Wheel (5G50.20) A rotating wheel (made of 70% iron and 30% nickel) passes through the poles of a magnet, and has a Curie temperature slightly above room temperature. A spot on the wheel directly above the magnet is heated with a focused carbon arc lamp and becomes paramagnetic. The ferromagnetic region directly below the magnet is then drawn upwards and the wheel begins to rotate. By the time the first hot spot makes a complete revolution, it has cooled enough that the rotation is continuous. |
| Dysprosium with Liquid Nitrogen (5G50.25) Dysprosium (Curie temp: -188 C) becomes ferromagnetic when cooled with liquid nitrogen. A piece of dysprosium hangs freely at room temperature. After cooling it is attracted to a strong magnet, but falls away as it warms up. |
| Meissner Effect (Superconductor Levitation) (5G50.50) A YBCO superconducting disc (Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide) is cooled with liquid nitrogen and will then cause a small permanent magnet to levitate above the disc. |
5H - Magnetic Fields And Forces5H10 - Magnetic Fields | Compass (5H10.11) A large compass that reacts to Earth's magnetic field. |
| Dip Needle (5H10.15) The large compass above may be oriented vertically along a North-South line to serve as a large dip needle to show the inclination of Earth's magnetic field. |
| Oersted's Needle (5H10.20) A compass is brought near a wire carrying a large current. Works best using the overhead projector 5H10.30. |
| Magnetic Fields Around Magnets (5H10.30) Iron filings on a plastic shield are placed on the overhead projector and used to show the shape of the field around bar and horeshoe magnets. Small transparent compasses are also available to show the sense of the field. |
5H15 - Fields and Currents | Magnetic Fields Around Conductors (5H15.10) Wires in various configurations on transparent boards carry a large current; board is placed on overhead and sprinkled with iron filings to show shape of the field. Small transparent compasses can be used to show the sense of the field. Same setup at Magnetic Fields around Magnets (5H10.30) and Oersted’s Needle (5H10.20) |
5H20 - Forces on Magnets | Magnetic Attraction and Repulsion (Bar Magnets on Pivot) (5H20.10) Bar magnets on a pivoting stand show attraction and repulsion. Note: See also Electrostatic Attraction and Repulsion (5A20.10). |
| Levitron (5H20.22) A spinning magnetic top that levitates above a large permanent magnet. It takes some adjustment to get it working right, so please give us lots of notice and be prepared to practice beforehand. |
5H25 - Magnet/Electromagnet Interactions | Hanging Solenoid and Bar Magnet (5H25.10) A solenoid hangs from a ring stand and is free to interact with a bar magnet. There’s no interaction when the current is off, a weak interactions without the iron core, and a strong interaction with the iron core. |
5H30 - Force on Moving Charges | Electrostatic Deflection of an Electron Beam (Oscilloscope) An external DC power supply is connected to the vertical plates of the open oscilloscope. Changing the applied voltage changes the vertical deflection of the electron beam. |
| Electrostatic Deflection of an Electron Beam (Crooke's Tube) The horizontal electron beam in a Crooke's tube is deflected vertically by a perpendicular electric potential from a large power supply. |
| Magnetic Deflection of an Electron Beam (Oscilloscope) (5H30.10) An electron beam is deflected by the field from a bar magnet. Note: The Crooke’s tube is the better demo. |
| Magnetic Deflection of an Electron Beam (Crooke's Tube) (5H30.15) An electron beam is deflected by the field from a bar magnet. |
| Fine Beam Tube (5H30.20) An electron beam in an evacuated glass sphere is bent into a circle by the magnetic field from a pair of large Helmholtz coils. Both the accelerating potential and coil current can be changed. |
| Thomson's E/M Experiment An electron beam in an open oscilloscope is vertically deflected by an electric field, then by a transverse magnetic field which balances the electric field and reduces the deflection to zero. Ratio of electron charge to mass could then be calculated from the values for deflection and field intensities, but the demo is usually only done qualitatively. |
| Ion Motor (Force on Ions) (5H30.55) Cork particles floating in a solution of copper sulfate in a circular container will rotate when current is passed through the solution in the presence of a magnetic field. Reverse either the current or the magnets to reverse the rotation of the solution and cork. Remove the magnets and the solution and cork will slowly come to rest. |
5H40 - Force on Current in Wires | Pinch Wires (5H40.20) Parallel hanging wires are either attracted or repelled by one another, depending on the direction of currents in the wires. Three different configurations. |
| Jumping Wire (5H40.30) A single thick wire passes between the poles of a powerful horseshoe magnet. When a heavy duty DC power supply is turned on, the wire jumps out of the field. |
| Barlow's Wheel (Video Only) (5H40.50) A disc of aluminum on bearings whose bottom half passes between the poles of a powerful magnet. A large DC current runs from the center to the bottom point of the disk, and the force on the electrons flowing through the magnetic field causes the disk to rotate. Note: This demo is no longer in service due to exposed mercury involved in its operation. |
| Ampere's Frame (Video Only) (5H40.70) A large DC current flows through a square wire frame. A magnet brought near the frame will cause it to rotate. Note: This demo is no longer in service due to exposed mercury involved in its operation. |
5H50 - Torques on Coils | D'Arsonval Meter (Model Galvanometer) (5H50.10) A large open model of an galvanometer. A large coil on spring mounted bearings twists in the field from a permanent magnet when current flows in the coil. |
5J - Inductance5J10 - Self Inductance | Sample Inductors (5J10.10) Various commercial and homemade coils. |
5J20 - LR Circuits | RL Circuit (5J20.10) A large inductor in series with a resistor, a battery and a switch. When the switch is closed the the current rises slowly from zero to a steady state value as shown by the voltage across the resistor. |
| Lamp in Parallel with a Solenoid (5J20.20) A large DC current introduced suddenly to this large inductor cannot pass through the coil at first, so an incandescent lamp in parallel with the coil lights brightly. After the current becomes steady, the coil draws more current and the bulb dims. When the current is switched off suddenly, the induced voltage in the coil (back EMF) again lights the lamp. A separate neon lamp in parallel with the coil shows that the direction of the second voltage surge is the opposite of the first. |
5J30 - RLC Circuits - DC | Damped RLC Circuit (5J30.11) The capacitor in a RLC circuit is charged with a battery and then switched to discharge through a resistor and an inductor. The high frequency oscillation from the LC "tank circuit" is shown on an oscilloscope. Changing the capacitance changes the frequency, and changing the resistance changes the damping. |
5K - Electromagnetic Induction5K10 - Induced Currents and Forces | Wire and Magnet (5K10.15) A single loop of wire is passed between the poles of a large horseshoe magnet, causing current to flow (shown on a galvanometer). The faster the wire is moved, or the greater the number of loops, the larger the current. |
| Coil Pendulum with Lamp in a Magnet (5K10.18) A pendulum with a large coil for a bob swings between the poles of a large horseshoe magnet. A small light bulb wired to the coil flashes when the coil swings through the magnetic field. |
| Simple Coil and Bar Magnet (5K10.20) A coil is connected to a galvanometer. A bar magnet is passed through the coil and the galvanometer measures the current. |
| 10/20/40 Turn Coils with Magnet (5K10.21) Coils of 10, 20, and 40 turns wired in series. A permanent magnet is moved through them to produce proportional currents as shown on a galvanometer. |
| Mutual Induction (5K10.30) Two coils slide on a track so that the distance between them can be varied. Current is pulsed into one coil with a switch, which induces a current in the second coil. Meters show the currents in both coils, and show that there must be a changing current in the first coil to induce a current in the second. Intensity of induced current changes with separation, and various metal cores can be inserted to determine their effect on the magnetic flux. |
| Earth Coil (5K10.60) A large coil is rotated in the Earth's magnetic field and produces a current (must be shown with the projection galvanometer). |
5K20 - Eddy Currents | Eddy Current Pendulum (5K20.10) A flat plate of aluminum on the end of a pendulum swings between the poles of a magnet. Eddy currents in the plate damp out the swing. Both a plate and a ring are available, split and unsplit. The split limits the size of the eddy currents and greatly decreases the damping in both the plate and ring. |
| Eddy Current Brake (5K20.22) A motorized spinning aluminum disc can be slowed down by a magnet brought near the edge. |
| Eddy Current Free Fall (5K20.25) A magnet and a piece of brass slide down either a length of aluminum channel or copper pipe. The copper pipe has a much stronger effect but is less visible than the aluminum channel. |
| Thompson's Flying Ring (Jumping Rings) (5K20.30) AC in a large solenoid creates eddy currents in an aluminum ring and the ring goes flying; a split ring does not. Also includes rings made of iron and copper. This uses the same setup as Vertical Primary Coil and Secondary Coils with Lamps (5K30.30). |
| Arago's Spinning Disk (5K20.42) An aluminum disc spins beneath a magnet on bearings, causing the magnet to rotate due to eddy currents in the plate. |
| Eddy Current Spinning Can A large horseshoe magnet is spun over an aluminum can sitting on a pivot. The can spins in the same direction as the magnet due to eddy currents from the rotating magnetic field. |
5K30 - Transformers | Ferromagnetism (Rowland Ring) Show and tell simple transformer. |
| Transformers (5K30.20) Two coils sit on a common iron core, both of which are wired to light bulbs. AC is fed into one coil, and the magnitude of the voltage in the second coil is shown by the brightness of the two light bulbs. Turn ratios can be 1:1, 2:1, or 1:2. |
| Transformer Laminations A transformer core that has been pulled apart to show the individual laminations. |
| Vertical Primary Coil and Secondary Coils with Lamps (5K30.30) A tall primary coil that carries AC has an iron core which extends out of the top. Two secondary coils with different numbers of turns can be placed on top to light a small or large light bulb. Same setup as Thompson's Flying Ring (Jumping Rings) (5K20.30). |
5K40 - Motors and Generators | DC Motor (5K40.10) A large DC motor powered by a 12 V lead acid battery. See also the AC and DC Generator (5K40.40). |
| Faraday Disk Dynamo (5K40.15) An aluminum disc spinning between the poles of a magnet produces a current between the center and the edge of the disc as shown on a large galvanometer. |
| AC and DC Generator (5K40.40) A large model generator with a coil spinning between permanent magnets. Can produce DC (split-ring commutator) or AC (solid ring). Good visibility. Can also be run as a DC Motor (5K40.10). |
| Army Surplus Generator (5K40.80) A hand cranked generator will provide up to 60 watts of output power for an incandescent light bulb. |
| Hand Crank Generator with Lamp A small generator lights a lamp. |
| Genecon Generators Two small hand cranked generators can be connected to each other (spin one and the other will spin as well), or to a small light bulb. |
| Generator and Inductor (5K40.80) A hand cranked (Genecon) generator is connected to a large inductor (an Iron core electromagnet). The generator handle is turned and the class is asked what will happen when the handle is released. Will it keep turning in the same direction as when charging the inductor? Or will it reverse direction? NOTE: See also Genecon Generator and Capacitor (5C30.38). |
| Falling Weight Generator (5K40.85) A weight on a string wrapped around the shaft of a generator falls more slowly when there is an electrical load on the generator. |
5L - AC Circuits5L20 - RLC Circuits - AC | Swept RLC Circuit (5L20.11) A RLC circuit is driven by a function generator and an oscilloscope displays the voltage across all four components of the circuit simultaneously. The frequency can be swept from below resonance (capacitive) to above resonance (inductive). |
| Driven RLC Circuit (5L20.18) A RLC circuit is driven by a 30 VAC, 60 Hz transformer. The amplitude and phase of both the voltage and current for any component in the circuit is shown on an oscilloscope. The capacitance and inductance can be changed to show their effect on the resonance. |
5L30 - Filters and Rectifiers | Full Bridge Rectifier Circuit (5L30.10) A full bridge rectifier circuit can be probed at different points with an oscilloscope to see the effect of diode rectification on an AC voltage. Capacitors may be switched in and out to demonstrate ripple smoothing in the DC output. |
5M - Semiconductors And Tubes5M10 - Semiconductors | Hall Effect Probe (5M10.10) Shows the voltage developed at right angles to a current in a conductor in a magnetic field; as used in Gaussmeters. |
| Electroluminescent Panel Electrons and holes in a semiconductor that recombine radiatively and release energy as photons, a pale green light. |
5N - Electromagnetic Radiation5N10 - Transmission Lines and Antennas | Radio and Charged Rod A plastic rod is charged by a wool cloth near an AM radio. The small discharges between the rod and the cloth give off electromagnetic noise that can be picked up on the radio. |
| Cenco 3 meter Transmitter (5N10.60) A small tube-style dipole transmitter sends radio waves to a pickup antenna, lighting a small bulb in the center of the antenna. Moving the antenna away from the transmitter dims the bulb, and rotating the antenna at right angles extinguishes the bulb, showing the polarized nature of the radio waves. |
| EM Spear (5N10.80) A Large rolling model of an electromagnetic wave shows the relation between electric and magnetic field vectors. |
5N20 - Tesla Coil | Ruhmkorff Induction Coil (5N20.10) An induction coil with mechanical "make and break" oscillator produces approximately 100 kV sparks. |
| Tesla Coil (5N20.50) A Tesla air core resonant transformer produces 1/2 million volts at 350 kHz. |
| Hertzian Waves Status: Unavailable A transmitter and receiver set has two large resonant circuits (jar capacitor and single loop inductor) tuned to the same frequency. The transmitter circuit is powered by a spark coil and the receiver picks up electromagnetic waves emitted and lights a neon bulb. Receiver can be detuned to show decreased efficiency. |
5N30 - Electromagnetic Spectrum | White Light Spectrum (5N30.10) White light passes through a high dispersion prism. |
| Microwave Transmitter and Receiver Set (5N30.30) A microwave emitter and receiver are mounted on a vertical circular board. The emitter is stationary, while the receiver is free to rotate with the board. A bar-graph display mounted on the board shows the intensity of the microwave signal picked up by the receiver as it is moved around. Note: Please specify which of the following effects you would like to show: |
| Microwave Apparatus - Straight Line Propagation Microwave Apparatus - Straight Line Propagation |
| Microwave Apparatus - Reflection from Flat Surfaces (See 6A10.18) Microwave Apparatus - Reflection from Flat Surfaces (See 6A10.18) |
| Microwave Apparatus - Refraction Microwave Apparatus - Refraction |
| Microwave Apparatus - Single Slit Diffraction (See 6C10.50) Microwave Apparatus - Single Slit Diffraction (See 6C10.50) |
| Microwave Apparatus - Double Slit Interference (See 6D10.20) Microwave Apparatus - Double Slit Interference (See 6D10.20) |
| Microwave Apparatus - Multiple Slit Interference Microwave Apparatus - Multiple Slit Interference |
| Microwave Apparatus - Waveguide Microwave Apparatus - Waveguide |
| Microwave Apparatus - Interferometer (See 6D40.20) Microwave Apparatus - Interferometer (See 6D40.20) |
| Microwave Apparatus - Polarization (See 6H10.20) Microwave Apparatus - Polarization (See 6H10.20) |
| Microwave Apparatus - Bragg Diffraction (See 7A60.50) Microwave Apparatus - Bragg Diffraction (See 7A60.50) |
| Microwave Apparatus - Total Internal Reflection Microwave Apparatus - Total Internal Reflection |
| Microwave Apparatus - Barrier Penetration (Tunnelling) (See 7A50.20) Microwave Apparatus - Barrier Penetration (Tunnelling) (See 7A50.20) |
6 - Optics
Geometrical Optics | Photometry | Diffraction | Interference | Color | Polarization | The Eye |
6A - Geometrical Optics6A2 - Straight Line Propagation | Light and Siren in Vacuum (6A02.10) A buzzer and a LED are mounted inside a bell jar. The air is then evacuated from the jar, and although the LED can still be seen, no sound can be heard from the siren. Also listed as 3B30.30. |
| Straight Line Propagation (6A02.15) Cast shadows from a point source or illuminate a laser beam with a cloud of chalk dust. |
6A10 - Reflection from Flat Surfaces | Optics Board - Plane Mirrors (6A10.10) Plane mirrors on the optics board. |
| Angle of Incidence and Reflection (6A10.11) A beam of white light hits on a mirror mounted on a large rotating protractor. Angles of incidence and reflection can be compared by rotating the mirror. |
| Microwave Reflection (6A10.18) Reflect microwaves off a metal plate into the receiver. |
| Diffuse and Specular Reflection (6A10.20) Reflect a laser off a rough surface to show diffuse reflection. Compare with a mirror, polished metal surface, etc. |
| Corner Reflector (6A10.30) Three mirrors joined to form the corner of a retroreflective cube; the incident and reflected rays will be parallel. Used in safety reflectors and have been left on the moon for precise distance measurements. |
| Parity Reversal (6A10.37) Two ball and stick figures of Cartesian coordinate systems, but with opposite handedness. Used with a plane mirror to show parity reversal of reflected images. |
| Hinged Mirrors (Multiple Reflections) (6A10.40) Two plane mirrors are joined by a hinge and can be adjusted to various angles between them. A small light bulb mounted between the mirrors is the object, and the number and positions of its images are noted as the angle between the mirrors changes. |
| Parallel Mirrors (Barbershop Mirror Effect) (6A10.45) Two plane mirrors are placed parallel to and facing one another. An object is placed between them and multiple images are seen in the view past the edges of the front mirror. |
| Location of Image (Candle in a Glass of Water) (6A10.60) A vertical glass window pane stands between two objects - a candle in front and a beaker of water in the rear at the position of the candle's image in the glass. The image of the candle appears to be burning under water. |
6A20 - Reflection from Curved Surfaces | Optics Board - Curved Mirrors (6A20.10) Concave and convex mirrors on the optics board. |
| Large Concave Mirror - Strawberries (6A20.31) Real image of plastic strawberries when placed at the center of curvature and aligned with the optical axis. |
| Large Concave Mirror - Candle Burning at Both Ends A burning candle is placed at the center of curvature, but slightly above the optical axis. The reflected image is upside down so the candle looks like it is burning at both ends. |
| Large Concave Mirror - One Candle Searchlight A burning candle placed at the focal point produces a large image of the candle flame when projected across the room. |
6A40 - Refractive Index | Broken glass in Oil (6A40.30) Status: Unavailable Broken glass will disappear in mineral oil because they have near identical indicies of refraction. Tip the container to see the effect. |
| Mirage with a Laser (6A40.47) A laser beam almost grazing a hot surface will show deflection. |
| Schlieren Optics System (6A40.60) Variations in the refractive index of the air in front of a spherical mirror are visible in a schlieren optics setup. See Standing Longitudinal Waves and Ultrasonic Levitation (3B22.60) |
6A42 - Refraction from Flat Surfaces | Optics Board - Reflection and Refraction from Plastic Block (6A42.10) A large rectangular acrylic block on the optics board will refract and partially reflect incident beams. Can be rotated to various angles to vary the angle of incidence refraction. |
| Bent Stick in Water (6A42.45) A stick appears bent or broken when inserted into water at an angle. |
| Acrylic and Lead Glass Refraction (6A42.47) Hold a stick behind a block of acrylic (n=1.4) and lead glass (n=2). At each interface (air to acrylic, and acrylic to lead glass), the image of the stick is shifted when viewed off the normal to the surface of the blocks. |
6A44 - Total Internal Reflection | Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection (6A44.20) A beam of light traveling underwater is reflected up to the water/air interface by a small mirror. The mirror may be rotated to change the angle of incidence. Fluoroscein in the water and a thread screen above the water allow the incident, refracted, and reflected beams to be seen clearly. As the angle of incidence reaches the critical angle, the refracted beam is seen to skim just over the surface of the water. Increase the angle slightly from that, and the refracted beam disappears while the reflected beam jumps in intensity (total internal reflection). |
| Light Pipes and Fiber Optics (6A44.40) White light or laser beams through straight and curved lucite rods, or various optical fibers. |
6A46 - Rainbow | Optics Board - Rainbow (6A46.20) Using a single beam of white light and large acrylic disc on the optics board. |
6A60 - Thin Lens | Optics Board - Lenses (6A60.20) Concave and convex lenses on the optics board. |
| Image Formation and Conjugate Focal Points (6A60.30) Light from a backlit object is focused by a convex lens onto a translucent screen; shows image reversal and magnification. Can show that the lens can be placed at two conjugate locations; either one focal length away from the object or from the screen. |
| Magnification (6A60.35) A backlit grid and a large 12 in. lens are used to demonstrate magnification by biconvex lenses. See also Fresnel Lens Magnification (6A65.70). |
6A61 - Pinhole | Pinhole Camera (Camera Obscura) (6A61.20) Large pinhole camera projects the image of a lamp filament onto a translucent screen. Has an adjustable iris and an optional focusing lens. |
6A65 - Thick Lens | Chromatic Aberration and Achromatic Pair (6A65.21) A bright source of white light is focused through a single lens showing different focal lengths for different wavelengths. The single lens is replaced with a two lens set that corrects the aberration. An achromatic pair (two lenses cemented together) is also shown. |
| Spherical Aberration (6A65.40) Uses the Image Formation (6A60.30) setup, but with a large plano-convex lens. First the outer ring of the lens is blocked off, and an image is brought into focus. Then an inner disc is blocked off, and the image is seen to be out of focus but can be refocused by moving the lens. |
| Fillable Air Lenses (6A65.52) Hollow lenses held underwater to show the refraction from water to air to water; the reverse of an air to glass to air path. The biconcave lens will focus the light and a biconvex lens will diverge the light. The lenses are then filled with water and the light passes through without any effect. |
| Glass Lenses in Air and Water A glass lens is inserted in the thread screen to show the focal length in air, then is dipped into the optics tank to show a much longer focal length in water due to the smaller difference in the refractive indicies (glass/water vs glass/air). |
| Cylindrical Lens Shows properties of a cylindrical lens. |
| Fresnel Lens Magnification (6A65.70) Magnification (6A60.35) using a large plastic Fresnel lens. |
6A70 - Optical Instruments | Microscope Model (6A70.10) A simple model of a microscope. Note: This works quite well with the Telescope Models (6A70.20). |
| Projection Microscope A projection microscope magnifies and projects the grid from a fine wire mesh screen. |
| Telescope Models (6A70.20) Choose any or all of the types listed below. We use an eye chart for the object, and small cameras for class viewing. |
| Telescope Models - Galilean (Non-inverting) Uses a converging objective lens and a diverging eyepiece lens to produce a non-inverted image. |
| Telescope Models - Keplerian (Inverting) Uses two converging lenses to produce an inverted image (but with a wider field of view and greater magnification). |
| Telescope Models - Newtonian (Reflecting) Status: Unavailable Note: Currently being rebuilt. |
6B - Photometry6B10 - Luminosity | Light Meters Electronic photometers, one with digital and one with analog output. |
6B40 - Blackbodies | Bichsel Boxes (6B40.20) Two 3x5 index card boxes each with a small hole in the lid; one is painted black inside and the other white. Hold the boxes up to the students with the holes facing them and they appear almost identical. Open the lids and the difference is obvious. Useful in discussing blackbody cavity radiation. |
| Blackbody Radiator (6B40.26) A piece of carbon has a narrow hole drilled in the side. As viewed with a video camera, the hole appears darker than the surrounding metal. If the carbon is heated with a gas torch to a high enough temperature, the hole will glow brighter than the surrounding metal. |
| Infrared in the Spectrum (6B40.41) Status: Unavailable Light from a hot carbon arc lamp is spread into a spectrum, then various portions of the spectrum are scanned with a thermopile and galvanometer. It is shown that the greatest amount of energy is in the infrared portion of the spectrum where no visible light exists, then tapers off into the visible and disappears in the ultraviolet. Note: This is done on the same setup as Ultraviolet in the Spectrum (7B13.40). |
| Radiation Spectrum of a Hot Filament (6B40.55) Light from a variac controlled slide projector powered is spread into a spectrum by a diffraction grating. With the variac at a low setting the projector bulb is mildly warm and the spectrum consists of red light only. Turn the variac up slowly, and as the temperature of the bulb increases the spectrum comes to include orange, yellow, green, and (at white heat) blue light. |
6C - Diffraction6C10 - Diffraction Through One Slit | Laser and Single Slit (6C10.10) A laser beam passes through a slide with four single slits of known widths. |
| Laser and Single Slit (Cornell Slide) (6C10.12) The Cornell slide has several single slits of various widths as well as a gradually widening slit. |
| Laser and Adjustable Single Slit (6C10.15) A variable width single slit shows diffraction of a laser beam. |
| Microwave Single Slit Diffraction (6C10.50) Single slit diffraction of microwaves. |
6C20 - Diffraction Around Objects | Arago's (or Poisson's) Bright Spot (6C20.10) Light from a laser is diffracted around a small ball bearing. This is on the same table as Point and Eye of a Needle (6C20.22) and Knife Edge Diffraction (6C20.15). |
| Knife Edge Diffraction (6C20.15) Light from a laser is diffracted by a razor blade, also the elliptical cut out in the center of the blade. |
| Hair or Thin Wire (6C20.20) Diffraction pattern from a strand of hair or a thin wire in a laser beam. |
| Point and Eye of a Needle (6C20.22) Light from a laser is diffracted by the point and eye of a needle. |
| Aperture Diffraction (Airy Disk) (6C20.30) Circular diffraction pattern from passing a laser beam through a small aperture. |
| Diffraction from a Feather (6C20.62) A laser beam passing through the closely spaced hairs of a feather will spread into a diffraction pattern. |
| Note: Optical Analog of X-ray Diffraction from DNA (7A60.25) is in Section 7A: X-ray and Electron Diffraction. |
6D - Interference6D10 - Interference From Two Sources | Laser and Double Slits (6D10.10) A laser passes through a slide with four double slit combinations (two different slit widths and two spacings). |
| Laser and Double Slits (Cornell Slide) (6D10.11) The Cornell slide has various double slits as well as a gradually widening double slit. |
| Microwave Double Slit Interference (6D10.20) Three double slit spacings for the microwave apparatus. |
| Fresnel Biprism (6D10.41) Look for this in the optics room. |
6D20 - Gratings | Laser and Multiple Slits (6D20.10) A laser passes through a slide with 2, 3, 4, and 5 slits. |
| Laser and Multiple Slit Interference (Cornell Slide) (6D20.10) The Cornell slide has five sets of multiple slits. |
| Transmission Gratings with White Light and Lasers (6D20.20) White light and two lasers (one red, one green) are passed through four diffraction gratings of various line densities. The white light produces a continuous spectrum and the two lasers produce different diffraction patterns. |
| Two Dimensional Gratings (6D20.35) Very fine wire mesh slides (100 to 3,000 lines per inch) and a laser produce two dimensional patterns. |
| Crossed Gratings and a Laser (6D20.50) A pair of linear diffraction gratings at right angles produces a two dimensional pattern. |
| Point Source and Wire Mesh (6D20.55) A point source of white light is viewed through small pieces of wire mesh handed out to the students. The weave of the mesh is fine enough to diffract the light. |
| Reflection Gratings Concave reflection gratings can simultaneously disperse and focus white light. |
6D30 - Thin Films | Newton's Rings (6D30.10) White light interference pattern from a thin layer of air between two layers of glass; one flat and the other slightly curved. |
| Soap Film Interference (6D30.20) White light is reflected off a thin soap film onto the screen. Dazzling multicolor interference patterns are formed, with rough bands of different colors indicating the varying thickness of the film. Eventually a dark area forms at the top (where the film is less than a quarter wavelength thick), spreads down throughout the pattern, and the film pops. |
| Glass Plates in Sodium Light (6D30.30) Two large flat glass plates are stacked and illuminated by a sodium lamp. The yellow and black interference fringes are easily visible to the entire class. |
| Pohl's Mica Sheet (6D30.40) Violet light from a mercury lamp is reflected from a thin sheet of mica onto the screen, producing a circular interference pattern. |
| Interference Filters (Dichroic Filters) (6D30.60) Glass slides with precise thin film coatings produce constructive interference for a specific wavelength which gets transmitted through the filter. All other wavelengths get reflected. |
6D40 - Interferometers | Michelson Interferometer - Laser (6D40.10) Michelson interferometer with a laser. |
| Michelson Interferometer - Microwaves (6D40.20) Interference maxima and minima from microwaves are detected as one of the "mirrors" is moved. |
| Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (6D40.32) A large Mach-Zehnder Interferometer using a HeNe laser. Please give us at least two days notice. |
| Fabry-Perot Interferometer (6D40.55) A simple interferometer but with poor mirrors (low finesse). |
6F - Color6F10 - Synthesis and Analysis of Color | Additive Color Mixing (6F10.10) Red, green, and blue sources with individual brightness controls shows aspects of additive color mixing, primary and secondary colors, etc. |
| Color Filters (6F10.20) Various color filters used with white light. |
| Subtractive Color Mixing (6F10.23) Uses the same device as in Additive Color Mixing (6F10.10). Cyan, magenta, and yellow filters are used to produce red, green, and blue from white light. |
| Newton's Color Disk (6F10.25) A disk sectioned into primary colors appears white when spun quickly. |
| Spinning Black and White Disc An illusion of color from a spinning black and white disc due to the eye's different reaction speeds to different colors. |
| Recombined Spectrum (6F10.30) A continuous spectrum from a prism is recombined into white light with a second prism. |
| Colors in Spectral Light (6F10.75) Objects colored with fairly pure hues are moved through a white light spectrum to show reflectivity and apparent color in different colors of light. |
| Polaroid-Land Effect Two black and white slides of the same image are projected so that they overlap on the front screen. A individual red filter is placed in front of one slide projector. The black and white image appears in full color. Note: Talk to us first for background information. |
6F40 - Scattering | Rayleigh Scattering (Artificial Sunset) (6F40.10) White light is scattered when passing through a water tank that also contains a precipitating solution of hypo (Sodium Thiosulfate) and sulfuric acid. |
6H - Polarization6H10 - Dichroic Polarization | Linear Polarization Model A ball and stick model of linear polarization. |
| Polaroid Sheets (6H10.10) 12" x 12" sheets of Polaroid material for use on an overhead projector. |
| Polarization of Microwaves (6H10.20) Polarized microwaves pass through a rotating metal grating; the orientation of the grating affects the transmitted intensity in the same way as crossing polaroid sheets. |
6H20 - Polarization by Reflection | Polarization by Reflection (Brewster's Angle) (6H20.10) White light from a bright lamp reflects off a glass plate and onto the front screen producing a focused image of the lamp filament. Insert a Polaroid sheet and rotate it to show that the reflected beam is polarized. Repeat with the beam shining straight onto the wall to show that the unreflected beam is not polarized. The angle of incidence can be changed to show that there is an optimum angle of reflection for maximum polarization of the beam. |
| Polarization by Double Reflection (6H20.20) Two glass plates are mounted at Brewster's angle with the second able to rotate around the axis of the incident light. |
6H30 - Circular Polarization | Circular Polarization Model A ball and stick model of circular polarization. |
| Three Polaroid Sheets (6H30.10) Two polaroid sheets (6H10.10) are placed on the overhead projector with their axes of polarization perpindicular to each other (no light passes through). A third polarizer is then placed in between the original two sheets and light will pass through. |
| Sugar Tube (6H30.40) A beaker of corn syrup is placed on an overhead projector with a polaroid sheet above and below. The polarization plane of the linearly polarized light rotates in the corn syrup with different wavelengths rotating by different amounts. The top polaroid is an analyzer and rotating it will select which wavelength is projected onto the screen. |
6H35 - Birefringence | Birefringence in Calcite (6H35.15) A single point of white light passes through a calcite crystal, is doubly refracted, and is projected on the screen as two dots. Rotating a polaroid sheet above the crystal shows that the two transmitted dots have orthogonal polarizations. Rotating the crystal makes one dot revolve around the other (the ordinary and extraordinary rays). |
| Quarter Wave Plate (6H35.40) Status: Unavailable Come back to this. |
| Polarization by Stress in Plastic (6H35.50) A piece of acrylic is squeezed between two polarizers. Uses an overhead projector for a light source. |
6H50 - Polarization by Scattering | Polarization by Scattering (6H50.10) White light passes through a polarizer, then is scattered by passage through a tank of water with a little milk as scattering centers. The polarized light is scattered preferentially in the direction of its polarization, and by rotating the polarizer the direction of most intense scattered light can be varied. A mirror above the tank allows simultaneous viewing of the top and front views for comparison of vertically and horizontally scattered light. |
6J - The Eye6J10 - The Eye | Human Eye Model (6J10.10) A model of the human eye. |
| Resolving Power of the Eye (6J10.80) A black screen with four double slit patterns is placed in front of a bright sodium lamp. The double slit patterns vary in separation and the class is asked in which pattern can they resolve both slits. |
6J11 - Physiology | Color Blindness (6J11.70) Color blindness slides are projected to test the class. |
6Q - Modern Optics6Q10 - Holography | Holograms (6Q10.10) A variety of holograms using lasers and white light. Works best if you allow time for the class to look for themselves as cameras can be hard to align. Note: Please give us at least two days notice! |
7 - Modern Physics
Quantum Effects | Atomic Physics | Nuclear Physics | Elementary Particles | Relativity |
7A - Quantum Effects7A10 - Photoelectric Effect | Photoelectric Effect with Electroscope (7A10.10) Bright white light from a carbon arc lamp strikes a metal plate mounted on a negatively charged electroscope. The electroscope discharges quickly if the plate is zinc, slower for aluminum or copper. Will not discharge if a plate of glass is held between the light and the zinc (cuts out UV), or if the electroscope is positively charged. |
| Photomultiplier Tube A show and tell item. |
| Solar Cells (7A10.40) Use a bright light to power a small motor. |
7A15 - Millikan Oil Drop | Millikan Oil Drop (7A15.10) Oil drops suspended between charged parallel plates (qualitative only). |
| Millikan Oil Drop Model (7A15.25) Two parallel metal plates are connected to a Wimshurst machine with a pith ball connected to the bottom plate. As the machine is cranked, the electric field increases and eventually the force on the pith ball will overcome the force of gravity and it will levitate between the plates. Note: This uses the same setup as the Bouncing Ping Pong Balls (5B10.30). |
7A50 - Wave Mechanics | Microwave Barrier Penetration (7A50.20) Microwaves are totally internally reflected in an acrylic prism, with no transmission through the apparatus to a detector. If a second prism is brought close, but not touching, the incident microwaves can penetrate through the air gap into the detector. |
| Vibrating Circular Wire (7A50.40) A 10" diameter loop of thin wire is attached to a speaker driver and driven at frequencies that set up standing waves in the loop. Useful for talking about de Broglie waves. |
7A55 - Particle/Wave Duality | Particle in a Box A particle in a box. |
7A60 - X-ray and Electron Diffraction | Electron Diffraction (7A60.10) Electrons are diffracted through a thin polycrystalline graphite mesh (Debye-Scherrer diffraction) and hit a fluorescent screen. The diffraction pattern consists of a central bright spot of undeflected electrons and two concentric rings. The diameters of the rings can be changed by altering the accelerating voltage of the electrons (increasing the momentum decreases the de Broglie wavelength). |
| Optical Analog of X-ray Diffraction from DNA (7A60.25) A Helium-Neon laser beam is diffracted by the spring from a ball point pen. The resulting pattern shows the same characteristics of diffraction from a double helix including missing orders. |
| Bragg Diffraction of Microwaves (7A60.50) Microwaves are diffracted by a 3D lattice of aluminum cylinders. Both the detector and crystal are rotated appropriately to observe minima and maxima. |
| Sample X-ray Tubes (7A60.95) Various commercial and specialty X-ray tubes. |
7A70 - Condensed Matter | Flux Pinning (7A70.25) A large YBCO superconductor similar to 5G50.50, except specially designed to show flux pinning. When cold, the superconductor will levitate above strong permanent magnets, or remain suspended underneath. |
7B - Atomic Physics7B10 - Spectra | Line Spectra (7B10.10) An incandescent bulb and spectral tubes of hydrogen, neon, mercury, and helium are arranged in a vertical stack. Transmission gratings are passed out to the class to compare a continuous spectrum and individual emission spectra. |
| Hydrogen Spectrum Just a single hydrogen spectral tube and diffraction gratings. |
7B11 - Absorption | Absorption by Sodium Vapor (7B11.25) A large salt flame is placed in front of an incandescent light and a sodium light. The flame looks normal with the white light, but appears dark in front of the sodium light. |
| Absorption Spectrum of Neophan Glass (7B11.40) A piece of neophan glass inserted into a continuous spectrum demonstrates broad absorption bands in the yellow and green; used by glass blowers to cut out sodium glare. |
7B13 - Resonance Radiation | Ultraviolet in the Spectrum (7B13.40) Light from a carbon arc lamp is spread into a continuous spectrum. A fluorescent sheet is placed in the ultraviolet and fluoresces where no visible light exists. Note: This is done on the same setup as Infrared in the Spectrum (6B40.41). |
| Fluorescence and Phosphorescence (7B13.51) Fluorescent materials viewed under ultraviolet light including minerals, paints, dyes, and uranium glass. |
| Luminescence and Chemiluminsecence (7B13.55) Luminescent plastics are held in front of an ultraviolet light and then glow in the dark. Chemiluminescence: a chemical glow stick that emits light when the chemicals mix. |
7B30 - Ionization Potential | Frank-Hertz Experiment (7B30.20) An experiment demonstrating quantized energy levels of bound electrons in mercury. A voltage/current curve for accelerated electrons through mercury vapor is displayed on the oscilloscope and seen to contain repetitive peaks and valleys (where the electrons are absorbed by the mercury). |
7B35 - Electron Properties | Discharge Tube and Vacuum Pump (7B35.10) An electric current through a long glass tube as it is being evacuated. The glow from the current goes from nothing at atmospheric pressure to a maximum at low pressure and finally back to nothing when the tube is fully evacuated. At the proper pressure level, a structured discharge is seen. |
| Crooke's Tube with Maltese Cross (7B35.40) An electron beam produces a shadow of a Maltese cross on a fluorescent screen. |
| Crooke's Tube with Paddle Wheel (7B35.50) A small paddlewheel is free to roll along the axis of a Crooke's Tube. When current is flowing through the tube, electrons strike the paddles and heat the gas slightly behind the paddle, causing it to rotate in the direction of electron flow. This is similar to the Crooke's Radiometer (4D20.10). |
| Plasma Tube (7B35.75) An evacuated tube containing a metal conductor is energized by a Tesla coil and forms long flickering streamers of current which are attracted to fingers touching the outside of the tube. |
7D - Nuclear Physics7D10 - Radioactivity | Geiger Counter (7D10.10) A Geiger counter detects beta and gamma radiation. Several radioactive sources are available. Probe and source can be put in a special frame which allows the distance between them to be varied to determine the effect on count rates. Absorbers of different materials fit in slots in the frame to demonstrate their shielding effects. |
7D30 - Particle Detectors
7D50 - Models of the Nucleus | Rutherford Scattering Model (7D50.10) An analogue of Rutherford's alpha scattering experiment has rolling ball bearings which strike a "nucleus" and scatter at various angles. |
7F - Relativity7F10 - Special Relativity | Streib's Relativity Machine (7F10.10) Status: Unavailable A device which simulates length and time contraction at relativistic speeds. |
| Length Contraction Board (7F10.32) Show and tell item with boards of different lengths to display the Lorentz contraction at 0, .9c, .99c, .999c, etc. |