Sonometer (3D20.10)


The ends of a stretched steel wire are hooked to an audio amplifier and a small horseshoe magnet is placed over the wire, so that transverse vibrations of the wire are transformed into currents along the wire. The currents are amplified and fed into an oscilloscope to display the waveform. The wire is finger plucked, and both tension and length are adjustable. Harmonics can be either ignored or intensified by changing placement of the magnet, and can also be damped out selectively with a small brush.

Procedure or Operation Notes:

Here are a selection of oscilloscope pictures:

References, Comments, or Footnotes:

1) Central Scientific Company - Directions for the Use of Sonometers. Includes Catalog Numbers 85065, 85070, and 85080.

2) Central Scientific Company - Selective Experiments in Physics - The Laws of Vibrating Strings.