Damped RLC Circuit (5J30.11)


The capacitor in a RLC circuit is charged with a battery and then switched to discharge through a resistor and an inductor. The high frequency oscillation from the LC "tank circuit" is shown on an oscilloscope. Changing the capacitance changes the frequency, and changing the resistance changes the damping.

Procedure or Operation Notes:

The inductor is fixed at 150 Henries. The capacitors are 10μF (qty: 1), 22μF (qty: 2), and 47μF (qty: 1). The resistor is 10kΩ (max).

Voltage across the capacitor:

Voltage across the inductor:

References, Comments, or Footnotes:

1) Damped Harmonic Oscillator, Damping Coefficient, and Underdamped/Critical/Overdamped Oscillators: Page 1 and Page 2. [HyperPhysics].