Transverse Waves (Bell Labs Wave Machine) (3B10.30)


Rods are arranged like ribs along a square wire "spine." A torsional wave can be sent down the spine by sharply displacing the tip of the first rod. As the wave propagates along the spine, each rod is tipped in turn by the passage of the wave, and the displacement of the ends of the rods is visible to the class, appearing as a transverse wave (visibility can be increased by illuminating the fluorescent tips of the rods with UV).

Procedure or Operation Notes:

The long rods are 46 cm long, and the short rods are 23 cm long. The tapered section ranges from 23 to 46 cm.

At the end of each section, the spine is bent horizontally for attaching coupling clamps.

Some additional demonstrations include:
Impedance Matching (3B25.10)
Reflection (3B25.20)

Related Videos:

References, Comments, or Footnotes:

1) This is also called the Shive Wave Machine named after John N. Shive, a Physicist at Bell Labs.

2) The wave machine pictured above is manufactured and sold as the Wave Motion Demonstrator by Andrews University Physics Enterprises.

3) Andrews University Physics Enterprises - Wave Motion Demonstrator Instruction Manual